Thursday, June 29, 2017

MDA Named “Best Men’s Health Blog of 2017”

What can I say…it’s a great way to end the week and head into the holiday weekend. I just got word that has named Mark’s Daily Apple among its “Best Men’s Health Blogs of 2017.”

In their words…”We’ve carefully selected these blogs because they are actively working to educate, inspire, and empower their readers with frequent updates and high-quality information.” I’d say that certainly aligns with my vision for Mark’s Daily Apple and for what I hope this blog and community offer reader and visitors every day.

But I’m not stopping there. In particular, I’m looking to add more information, more research, more insight for women this coming year. I’ve never called or considered this a men’s blog, but I’m thrilled male readers find solid and relevant information here. I want MDA women readers to feel spoken to with the same regard and depth for health issues and questions affecting them. And you can hold me to that.

Gratitude to and to all of you for being part of the Primal movement and the Mark’s Daily Apple community. Grok on, everyone!

The Best Mens Health Blogs of 2016


The post MDA Named “Best Men’s Health Blog of 2017” appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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