Friday, June 30, 2017

5 Sweet Lessons in ‘Queen Sugar’ Season 2, Episode 3

By Sharee Silerio

Every time I watch “Queen Sugar”, there’s at least one moment, conversation, or interaction that speaks to my heart and soul, and yesterday’s episode was no different.

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From the lighting that illustrates each character’s emotions, the background colors that set the mood; clothing that expresses their state of mind and heart; to the picturesque locations and points of view; my senses are delighted.

Each week, I feel like I am becoming more a part of the family, connecting with their struggles, conflicts and joys, trying to help them discover solutions that will help them, and me.

The Bordelons are real people, more than characters on a screen. They are beautifully complicated, they are rightfully human. In one way or another, I see myself and the people I love, in each one of them.

Wise sayings, heart transformations and love overflowed in the third episode, titled “What Do I Care for Morning”.

Here’s this week’s “Reel Noire” recap, on the messages and truths that stood out in last night’s episode of “Queen Sugar”:

1. Trauma is real. Release your pain. Holding it in prolongs your healing and keeps you bound. We allow trauma and pain to consume us when we don’t speak of it, write about it or find a way to express it, giving it power over us, which can destroy us. Speaking our pain releases its hold on our hearts, souls and minds, and offers an opportunity for us to make good of it.

Micah is still processing his run-in with the police, and refuses to talk to anyone about it. He isn’t eating, is sleeping through the day and keeps to himself. Micah is depressed. Nova tries to get him to open up about his experience during breakfast, telling him that she wants him to be free. Hopefully he will choose to be free soon, before the reality of it all becomes too much to bear.

2. Be who you are, and speak your truth, regardless of where you are, and who you are around or with. Being true to yourself is where your power lives.

Nova is invited to speak at a symposium in Atlanta, and meets Robert Dubois, a fellow panel member. As they discuss their passions and inspiration for participating, Dubois realizes that Nova believes in the work she does and will stay true to herself no matter what. In response, she speaks wise words from her mother, which ring true to who she is and has been since the first season. I just LOVE Nova!

3. Instead of judging or reacting to what people do, put yourself in their shoes. There is a reason people do what they do. Instead of seeking revenge, pursue compassion. Help find a solution to the root problem.

As Ralph Angel and Blue are sleeping, Ralph Angel hears noise outside, and picks up his rifle to investigate. What he finds is a truck with masked men stealing sugar cane. As he fires the gun into the air, the truck pulls off, but one man is left behind. He is shocked to find out that it is Henry Lee (Terence Rosemore), a member of the black farmer collective. In a sit down with Charley, Prosper and Ralph Angel, Henry reveals that he needed financial assistance and had no choice but to seek relief from Landry, who instructed him to steal Remy’s sugar cane variety and infiltrate the group in exchange for help. Charley, of course, wants to put the Landry’s antics on public display, and threatens to call the police to get the process started. However, Ralph Angel wants to give him a second chance. As he points out, being desperate can “make a man do bad things”. He added that he knows what it feels like to “need help but can’t think of where to get it from”.
This is systemic in the farmers’ case, as the Landry’s have their businesses and growth potential on lock (discrimination), which causes their economic hardship, so that their only recourse to survive is the Landry’s (welfare), then the Landry’s use them to do their dirty work as a form of repayment, creating a cycle of bondage.
This mirrors our society, as communities with limited resources are often left to fend for themselves, seeking to meet their needs through nontraditional or illegal means. Often, the consequence is incarceration, which further disenfranchises them, leaving them in a less fortunate position than they were before. Hopelessness causes us to not only betray ourselves, but our own communities as well.

4. Love requires commitment. Love chooses love.

Aunt Vi and Hollywood are back on good terms, and spend a few days alone in a nice spot away from home with good food, hot tub fun and romance. During a nice candlelit dinner, Hollywood tells Aunt Vi that instead of answering the call to go back to the rig in a couple of days, he’s going to stay in St. Josephine’s with her, to rebuild their relationship, because she matters most.

5. Love requires sacrifice. Love often requires us to do what we don’t want or like to do for the sake of the ones we love.

As Hollywood and Aunt Vi return to her home, Micah, Charley and Ralph Angel surprise them with laughter, dancing and a celebration of their love. After dinner, Charley is washing the dishes and Aunt Vi tells her that she doesn’t have to do it. Charley says that she has it, then Aunt Vi says, “Everybody knows that you hate to clean, been that way since you were a girl.” Charley responds, “Yes, but even I know that taking care of the things and the people that you love is what makes a house a home.” Later on, Charley demonstrates this when she takes Micah to Davis’ home, per his request for joint custody. She didn’t want to, but she knew that it was best for Micah.

What were some of the lessons you got from last episode 3 of “Queen Sugar”? If you tuned in, what are some of your favorite moments?
Sharee Silerio is a St. Louis-based freelance writer, Film and TV writer-producer, and blogger. When she isn’t creating content for The Root or The St. Louis American, she enjoys watching drama/sci-fi/comedy movies and TV shows, writing faith and self-love posts for, relaxing with a cup of chai tea, crafting chic DIY event décor, and traveling. Review her freelance portfolio at then connect with her on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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