Tuesday, June 13, 2017

5 Coily Hair Myths

by Mary Wolff

When it comes to hair myths, there are plenty to choose from regarding curly hair. While some myths are from old wives tales, some myths are from a complete lack of knowledge about natural hair. Here are 5 coily hair myths that people continue to falsely believe. 

1. Coily hair is stronger than other curl types
Coils give the appearance of strength because they are usually packed with volume. People assume that the bigger the hair, the stronger it must be, right? Wrong. Coily hair is actually thinner than the other curly hair types. 

2. Coily hair is weaker than other hair types
While coily hair is not necessarily stronger or thicker than other types of curls, it doesn’t mean it is unhealthy. Many times, people will incorrectly assume your coils must be delicate and unhealthy because they are thinner. You can have thin hair that is as healthy as it can be for that texture and not have breakage, dryness, or other signs of trouble. The health of your hair depends on you, not the texture, type, or thickness you’ve been blessed with!

3. Coily hair should avoid water
Many people, especially those outside of the natural hair community, believe water causes frizz and dries out coils. For coils, water is super moisturizing since dryness can sometimes be an issue. 

4. The best way to moisturize coils is with store bought products
Again, the best way to moisturize coils is with water since that is the purest form of moisture hair needs to be replenished with to stay healthy. Store bought products like oils and conditioners are intended to seal strands to lock the moisture in place. 

5. Coily hair is more work than other types
Let’s be honest, all hair types require work to get the desired look and health you want. Coils do not necessarily require more care than other curl types or patterns. 

While there are certainly other statements floating around about this type of curl, these are the 5 coily hair myths that seem most popular.  Remember, coils, just like any other curl type, are beautiful so rock them with confidence, and forget what you’ve heard in terms of myths! 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2soCRhz

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