Sunday, December 4, 2016

Womb Peepers

Hola Chicas!

So in lieu of a typical baby shower with cute games and gifts, we opted for the ultimate over-sharing experience-- in-home womb peeping!

We made last minute plans to fly home, invited 25 of our closest fam and friends to my mom's house in Ferguson, MO and surprised them with a private ultrasound sesh!


Just prior to our arrival, I called the best ultrasound boutique in the St. Louis area, Ultrasona, and asked if they'd be willing to come out and bring their equipment.  The co-owners Michelle and Tammy were super sweet and gladly helped make my dream a reality.  It was a day I'll never forget, and a really special one for my long distance aunties and cousins who finally got to share in this special time with us.

And as always, HUGE thanks to Momma and Aunt Toney for planning the dopest Labor Luncheon there ever was!

Peep the view--

 Ultrasona surprised me with a chocolate covered strawberry delivery the morning of the 'Labor Luncheon'! 

After everyone arrived and Michelle and Tammy set up, I hopped in my parent's bed and the womb peeping commenced! 

That's my Godmother (in the white), my bestie, Yasmira (also preggers!!!) and my glamorous mother-in-law (with the scarf)

Boogie's reactions were the best!  She was counting all of the fingers and toes!

 He hid behind the cord and his hands for quite sometime, but in this image, he opened his eyes!


 He was so done with us! 

After we wrapped it up, Tammy and Michelle, made me a DVD of him yawning, stretching, smiling, frowning and trying to eat his fingers! They also provided me with like 100 printouts and a disc with all of the 3d images.  Finally, they gave me a keep-sake heart that plays his heartbeat! 

If you're in the St. Louis area and expecting or know someone who is, definitely give Ultrasona a call and treat yourself to a once in a lifetime experience!

Who would you invite to take a look inside of your womb?! 

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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