Thursday, December 8, 2016

Dear Readers: What Do You Want from Mark’s Daily Apple in 2017?

Inline_Ideas_WantedNo doubt, 2016 will go down in the books as one mammoth year for Mark’s Daily Apple. We went through an entire site redesign, a.k.a. MDA 3.0.—informed by your ideas last winter—and loaded it with a host of new resources.

As we close out this year, I’ll have plenty of announcements for what’s coming down the pipeline in 2017. I’ll also take a look back at the best of 2016—as I see it. What have we learned, what have we accomplished, and how has the health and wellness world changed in the span of twelve months?

For now, as I sit down to my New Year’s planning, I want to bring your thoughts to bear—your wish list for article topics, site resources, and all things Primal. And, let’s just throw in a contest for good measure….

This blog from the very start has been a community effort, and I can’t imagine it any other way. Reader feedback throughout the years has propelled everything from what I write about and how the site functions to what products I create and what Primal events we’ve put together. Now’s your chance to make your mark on what’s to come for Mark’s Daily Apple in 2017!

One note before we get going… I know folks have experienced continuing issues with the forum since the site upgrade, and I appreciate the feedback that’s come in. It’s been a frustrating knot to untangle the last several weeks, but I want you to know I consider the forum a centerpiece of Mark’s Daily Apple and the Primal Blueprint community. Getting the forum back to full capacity is a top priority for me and my staff. We’re working on it as I speak. Thanks for your patience on this, gang, and hang tight!

So, all this said, let’s get cracking on taking Mark’s Daily Apple to a new level in the New Year! Without further ado…

The Contest

“What do you want me to write about?” I take ideas and inspiration from you, MDA readers, every week. Today I’m handing you the mike and asking what you’d like to see me research and write about in 2017.

In the comments section below, tell me one topic you’d like to see covered, or one question you’d like to see answered, the title of one blog post that just has to be written this year, or one resource you’d like to see added to our site or weekly newsletter.

No idea is too small or big.

A winner will be chosen at random. Supporting others’ ideas (+1) is allowed (and encouraged), but only the idea comments will be counted for drawing purposes.

The Prizes

The Deadline

Midnight (PST), Friday 12/9/16!

Who is Eligible

Everyone. I’ll ship these items anywhere in the world.

Thanks in advance to everyone who offers an idea. I’ll see what I can do to give you what you want in 2017! In the meantime, Grok on!

The post Dear Readers: What Do You Want from Mark’s Daily Apple in 2017? appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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