Friday, December 16, 2016

On Set in NYC

So I combed out another curlformer set (used Jane Carter Twist Out Foam to set) and I'm really appreciating the effortlessness of this look!  It will be in heavy rotation during the final stretch of this surprise gestation because it requires zero direct heat and lasts for 4 or 5 days!  The cut of my hair has really helped in all of my styling endeavors because I don't have to tuck and pin and fluff and shape!  I love it and plan to keep it tight in the coming months-- it's already trying to grow out on me!

Let's see... the dress (like everything else I've worn this pregnancy) came from ASOS Maternity (I wear their petite maternity line in xs and everything fits perfectly), the stockings are from DSW.  My boots are dope (also DSW), but you can't see them!  I'll share a full body pic soon.  I've also been leaning on Tarjay heavily-- purchasing all of my long sleeve tees and beband (the most essential item ever-- been rocking one since week 10!) from there.  I've been very dedicated to drinking tons of water this pregnancy and light, physical exercise and because of that, I've got my swelling in check!  It's so minor that I'm still in my skinny jeans (with the aid of the beband).  I'll check back in when I get home! Momma and Daddy are coming to me this year for the holidays!  Love you guys!


from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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