Monday, December 12, 2016

3 Natural Oils from Around the World for Maximum Natural Hair Nourishment

Source: IG @Heyitsbrittanyj

by Sointocurls via

Have you ever heard of mongongo oil, baobab oil or illipe butter? These oils are packed with nutrients for hair and skin care, so if you are always on the lookout for oils filled with nourishment, keep reading!


This exotic oil is provided by the mongongo tree which grows in Southern Africa. The nuts that grow on the tree are highly nutritious and are a staple food of the tribes of Zambia. They also produce an amazing oil that is highly beneficial for skin and hair. Mongongo oil contains a large amount of linoleic acid, which the body uses to create part of cell membranes. It also contains alpha eleostearic acid, which protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays by providing a protective film to the skin. Naturally, this oil is also highly protective for hair, as well.

This highly nutritive oil is also native to Africa. The exotic baobab tree produces flowers that bloom only once a year during nighttime – talk about unusual! Additionally, the precious oil is housed in the fruit or pods of these trees which are known to live to be a thousand years old or more. The oil is extracted by cold pressing the seeds, producing pure, raw unrefined oil that is full of vitamins A,D, E, and F. It also contains large amounts of omega fatty acids which make it ideal for hair and skin use, particularly in terms of fighting free radicals and wrinkle prevention. It also penetrates the hair and skin flawlessly, leaving no greasy feeling or residue.

Illipe butter is produced by the illipe tree in Malaysia. It has a texture similar to that of cocoa butter in that it is hard, but, upon contact with the skin, melts very quickly. It has a high concentration of palmitic, stearic, and linoleic acids, making it ideal for hair and skin nourishment. For these reasons, illipe butter is definitely an oil that every natural girl should try out. So be adventurous! These unique oils might be just what the doctor ordered to seal moisture into dry parched curls.

Have you tried any of these?!

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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