Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chic and Easy High Bun with Cuban Twist Hair #BunLife

by Toia B. of

I first created this super easy high bun for my maternity photo shoot, inspired by a style I saw on the beautiful Cassandra Beccai. Since then, it has easily become one of my go-to styles and the one I get the most compliments on. Today, I’m SO excited to finally share this high bun tutorial with you!s

I’ve worn this high bun at least three times for the year including back in July for the NY Natural Hair Expo, right on time for this style shoot that I did two days later. When all else fails and I’m out of ideas, this Cuban Twist bun is it!

PLUS, as a toddler mom, I’ve gotta have styles that won’t take too much time to do, are easy to maintain and will last me at least a week. And I make this last for two… cuz ain’t nobody got time for doing hair every day!

Last year, I gave y’all a step-by-step breakdown of this easy high bun, but many of you gals are more visual. So, after many months, I’m finally sharing the goods! Be sure to read below for a few tips I didn’t get to mention in the video…

(Oh, and forgive me if the voice-over volume is low… technical difficulties and all.)

Some Things to Note

* Moisture
Yes, my hair was moisturized prior to styling. I always apply a leave-in conditioner to my hair but especially when prepping for heat. I then follow-up with an oil. The combo serves as my heat protectant. I’ve never had any issues with my hair not reverting back to the kinks. Even if the gel you use is alcohol-free like the one I use here, us kinky hair girls need moisture so don’t skimp on this step!

* Stretching the Hair
I only blow dry on medium heat, at the most, twice a month and never with the intention of getting my naturally kinky hair bone straight. The idea is just to stretch the hair for styling. Here are some ways you can stretch your natural hair without heat but also, a few helpful tips if you DO decide to use heat when styling your hair.

* Maintenance
To maintain this style until your next wash day, it’s best to use a large square scarf folded on a diagonal or into a triangle. Place the wide part at the back of your head, bring the ends around to the front, making sure you cover the bun and knot it. If it’s really long like mine, tie it once at the front, bring it to the back and knot it. It should stay in place during the night to keep everything looking neat. In the event that you get a few stragglers, lightly mist the hair with a bit of water and add a little gel if necessary. Smooth it gently with a brush and put the scarf back on for a few to really lay ’em down.

Hmmm… I think that’s it! Did I leave anything out? If you’ve got any questions, ask away! Please share on Insta if you try it!

What’s that go-to natural hair style that YOU can always depend on no matter the occasion?

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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