Monday, December 26, 2016

Scalp Treatments

IG @glowprincess 

by Mary Wolff

When it comes to keeping your curls, kinks, and coils looking their best, don’t forget what’s underneath. We all pay attention to our strands, but the scalp is sometimes forgotten. The scalp is the foundation for great hair! If the scalp is unhealthy, the hair is unhealthy. Whether dealing with dryness, a lack of hair growth, or an overall oiliness, your scalp is just as important as your strands.
There are many different scalp treatments out there. No matter what scalp issue you are dealing with, there’s one that can help heal your foundation and keep those curls gorgeous.


When your skin is in trouble, it is important to find the right scalp treatment for your problem. When evaluating different scalp treatments, pay attention to the ingredients and what the product says it treats. If you have too much natural oil and buildup, using a scalp treatment for moisture is not going to work. Don’t make your problems worse by using the wrong product. Make sure you evaluate the overall state and the results you are hoping to achieve before you start shopping around.

Dry Scalp

One of the most common scalp issues is dryness. This is caused by a lack of moisture and natural oils. While this can be caused by using certain moisture-stripping products, such as shampoos with too many sulfates, it can also simply be your natural makeup or a reaction to a new product. For dry scalp sufferers, look for scalp treatments rich in emollients, such as shea butter and coconut extracts, to help with dryness. Make sure you massage your scalp to increase blood flow. Not only will it help, it will feel pretty relaxing!

Scalp Growth 

If you notice your hair seems healthy but isn’t growing like you want, the root of the issue is the scalp. Hair growth is complicated because sometimes it has little to do with hair and more to do with diet. If you aren’t getting the right vitamins, your scalp won’t be able to encourage hair growth. Before you start loading up on supplements, stimulate the scalp by giving it vitamins topically. Look for scalp treatments and hair care products with ingredients like vitamin B and zinc.

If your scalp seems too oily, it may simply be a buildup of oil and products. This can be remedied with a clarifying shampoo designed to deep clean the scalp. Be careful not to use a clarifyer too often. You can lose the natural oils your hair needs to stay hydrated! Overuse of one product can solve one problem while creating a new one, so be careful.

No matter what problem you’re dealing with in regards to your scalp, you need to handle it! The scalp is the foundation for beautiful and healthy hair.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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