Saturday, December 3, 2016

What You’re Doing Wrong With Your Braid Outs

You’ve watched the tutorial twice from start to finish, then you start the mission on your hair but it doesn’t seem to come out exactly like your fav YouTuber. We have all been there, trying to calculate the steps we might have missed! Braid-outs can be challenging, especially for kinkier hair types so I am going to share with you some of my tips to get a super defined braid out.


1. Start on wet/damp hair- When our hair is wet and free from product our natural curl pattern is seen. This then makes it easier for our hair to adapt a curl pattern from the braid.

2. Detangle – I typically detangle my hair in the shower whilst washing it, which is way easier. If wash-day terrifies you, try a co-wash instead it cuts the time down in half!

3. Find your holy grail products- Finding the right type of gel or custard that works on your hair is probably the most crucial. You can find the products I use here!

4. Braid from the roots- To have a consistent curl from root to tip you must start your braid from the root. If you’re not the best braider you can add a hair clip at the root, then start braiding.

5. Small sections- this does depend on the type of curl you want to achieve, but to get more definition small braids are the way to go!

6. Leave hair to dry- I typically must leave my hair for a day or two so that it is completely dry otherwise it would quickly turn into a frizzy puff thing.

What are your tricks for your best braid out?

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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