Wednesday, October 10, 2018

I Couldn’t Believe How Easily It Was All Happening

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

I’ve struggled with my weight for my entire life. I’ve been on and off diets since the 5th grade. Every time that I’d lose weight, I would just gain even more weight back. This was my way of life until about 5 years ago. I had seen a picture from my sister’s wedding, and I could barely recognize myself. I was 23-years-old and had gotten up to 260 pounds (at 5’9”). I knew I had to make a change.

I started counting calories, but I was still eating a very high-carb diet. I also started working out (intense cardio) 5-7 days/week. I did this for about 6 months and was able to drop 50-60 lbs. This was definitely the hardest thing I had ever done. I was exhausted and constantly thinking to myself “am I going to have to live this way forever if I want to be healthy?”

Soon enough, I had started to gain weight again when I let off the gas a little bit. Accordingly, I went back to the same weight loss plan I had done before—high carb, lots of cardio, and calorie restriction. I was hungry all of the time, and I felt mentally and physically drained. I was able to drop weight again, and I had actually gotten down to 170 lbs (90 lbs lost).

At this point, 2 years later, all I could focus on was keeping the weight off. I had some ups and downs for the next 2 years, but overall, I was able to keep the weight off and it was EXHAUSTING. I was miserable. I was constantly counting calories, and I was tired the majority of the time.

Last August (2017), someone had asked me how I was keeping my weight off, and this same person asked if I had ever thought about trying paleo. I had heard of the paleo diet, but I had never really looked into it. I was curious to know exactly what paleo was, and I began to research. I stumbled upon, and my life hasn’t been the same since. I dove right into all the blog posts. After reading The Primal Blueprint, I decided to adopt a primal lifestyle. I started eating a primal diet, and I stopped killing myself on the workouts. I started doing PEM exercises [Primal Essential Movement] in place of all that cardio.

I effortlessly lost 15 MORE pounds in 3 months; I was down to 155 lbs. I was starting to see major changes in my body composition. Muscles started forming, and I couldn’t believe how easily it was all happening. More importantly, I had never felt better!!! Living was much easier, and the results were much better.

I have stuck to the primal lifestyle ever since. I now have so much energy; I’m no longer obsessing over calorie-counting; I sleep better; I am excelling in my career due to a major increase in productivity; and I am a generally happier person and more fun to be around. I live a much fuller life now!

The Primal Blueprint saved my life (and my sanity). Thank you so much for teaching me how to live a healthy and full life!


Susannah R.

The post I Couldn’t Believe How Easily It Was All Happening appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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