Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How to Cope When You Hate Your Job

source: instagram

via xonecole.com by Bria Renee

Beyoncé ain't neva lied when she said, "All these people on the planet working 9 to 5 just to stay alive, and 9 to 5 just to stay alive, how come?"

The majority of your life consists of earning a living and, believe it or not, many people are unhappy with their jobs. According to a 2016 study conducted by Gallup, a research-based research consulting firm, 9 out of 10 employees are "actively disengaged" from their job. The average American retires between the ages of 62 to 65. So from around 16 to 65, we are dissatisfied in what we do for a living. So are we just supposed to work all our lives at shitty jobs we don't like? Hell yeah, we are! At least, up until we decide to say, “Hell naw" and find what it is that we are passionate about.

Many people hate the lack of freedom, the consumption of irreplaceable time, missing out on events with family and friends, and simply just not wanting to go to the same place day in and day out. The motions of constantly going into work and feeling an instant shift in your mood, thinking about other things while you are robotically doing your job, and constantly telling yourself that working a job you hate is better than having no job at all is not what we all imagined being when we were asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. 

It's a universal truth that everyone wants happiness.

So, how do we find happiness in a place that we absolutely hate?

Create your own reality.

Get over your dislike for your job by using it to fund your dreams. Doing so will help you in creating your own reality. Of course, we would love to give our supervisor a resignation letter one day in advance of quitting but that won't stop the bills from building up or keep the refrigerator stocked. Many of the people that we look up to like Karen Civil, Sophia Amoruso, and Melissa Butler of The Lip Bar would not be who they were if they were not happy with working at places that left them feeling unfulfilled while they worked to achieve their dreams. If they can do it, you can too.

Use what you know and turn it into actions.

If your desire is to start a catering company, find some new recipes that you have never tried and make them. If you fail, don't take it to heart. Failure is expected and I promise it will help you to improve by changing your approach to things. Many people encounter that failure and they will get discouraged, which is expected, but remember to keep your goal in mind.

Do the work.

Whatever your dream may be will require your hard work, sacrifice, and money. Take the time to figure out what makes you happy, how you can help others, and what can you do for free while maintaining your passion. Also, find someone that has the time to commit to helping you, not only professionally but personally. If you can't find someone who will help you reach your dreams yet, read what you can to increase your knowledge and apply it to what you already know.

Continue reading, HERE!

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