Monday, October 15, 2018

Ask & Ye Shall Receive! This is the Prayer Nicole Ari Parker Used to Snag Boris Kodjoe

via by Michelle Schmitz

My best friend and I were having a conversation about prayer one day, and she said to me, "You have to be SPECIFIC with your prayers to God; don't leave anything out!" That really stuck with me, because prior to this, there had been so many times I've prayed or meditated over something, and while sometimes I received what I asked for, most of the time it wasn't quite what I thought I wanted.

I prayed for a new job, but that new job didn't end up fulfilling me. I've prayed for new opportunities, but when the opportunities came, I would often pass on them because, again, they weren't quite right. I even prayed for a new man, and girl, you can imagine how that went since I wasn't SPECIFIC.


The way the dating game is set up nowadays, some of us are out here really trying to figure out the secret weapon that will land us the man of our dreams. We see other couples flourishing and are left to wonder, how did they do it?

Nicole Ari Parker and Boris Kodjoe's relationship reflects the stuff that dreams are made of: beauty, brains, long-lasting passion, kids, and success. The acting duo married in 2005, and for 13 years we've been screaming "#Relationshipgoals." Outside of the obvious, many may have wondered what Nicole did to conjure up such a catch like Boris. So much so, Nicole even responded to one curious commenter in a recent post on Instagram detailing exactly what she did.

The comment read, "Can we get that prayer you said for Boris??!!??" And in response, the 48-year-old gave us all the instructions we need when praying and manifesting the man of our dreams:

"Me: Dear Lord, What should I do?

GOD: Make a list.

Me: A list?

GOD: Yes. Write down EVERYTHING you want. Even the parts you don't want me to see. 😒

Me: okay.


GOD: The spiritual stuff, the heart & mental stuff, the physical and the financial.


Me: 😲umm okay: Loving, warm, WANTS to be a husband & father, Fine 😜, WANTS to provide, mentally, physically and spiritually strong, AFFECTIONATE, curious about the world, likes to travel, likes music, likes history, likes art, likes the theatre, big hands, big feet🤔, sexy, really smart, funny, fun, got jokes, makes the highest & best choices for himself, has that "no-matter-what-I-got-this" spirit cause ish is gonna happen, respects his mother, forgives his father, loves himself and knows God. 💛

GOD: Okay now REALLY take that in. SEE him, FEEL him in your mind. SIT WITH THAT...ENJOY THAT..Now ask yourself.. Is he perfect for you?

Me: (inhales and exhales deeply) Yes..Lawd..I mean Lord. YES.

GOD: Now ask yourself... if he enters the room RIGHT now..Are you perfect for him?

Me: (takes reallyyy long pause).....Proceeds to get mind right & affairs in order, rereads Their Eyes Were Watching God, goes to therapy, examines issues, forgives herself & others, calls parents more often, renews passport, goes to church, does a sit up and goes for a run, dusts off that business idea i had🤔, remembers to laugh, buys nice lotion and rubs it all over body EVERYDAY, then buys some more, stays grateful for all her parts, cherishes friends, dances in her room, balances checkbook, makes green juice, loves herself. (Sidebar: At that point...after all that..i was good either way..happy, confident and moisturized.)

💛 and THEN

here he comes... 💛

GOD: Boop."

Let's break this down:  continue reading>>>>

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