Tuesday, August 14, 2018

9 Things a Black Girl Can Do in Istanbul Alone

By Anayotothe

When cheap tickets hit my hotline bling, I always answer the call.

During my time living in Rome, I made sure that no day went to waste. Almost all of my free time was spent exploring obscure restaurants, hidden neighborhoods, and historical sites off the beaten path. Rome is MASSIVE though; after three months of exploring every cobbled crevice, I still felt like there was so much left to see. I had this radical idea that I would live a strictly Italian life for 90 days because, why not? Pizza everyday, that beautiful language, like a song, being sung to me daily…but that idea was dashed real quick when I saw the dizzyingly cheap inter-Europe flight prices.

I kept finding myself on Google Flights dreaming up all the possibilities. A few days in Berlin spent partying in grandiose nightclubs? A retreat to Athens for a historical tour on the foundation of democracy? So many choices, so little time. In the end, I randomly decided to book a trip to Istanbul.


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