Tuesday, August 28, 2018

10-Year-Old Boy Grows Out Hair to Shoulder-Length to Donate to Cancer Patient

Image Credit: Angie Polus (Moore's mom)
By Winnie Gaturu

According to the World Health Organization, cancer is the second largest killer in the world with millions of deaths being reported per year. The sad thing is that the disease affects both the young and old. Although it can be treated, especially when detected in its early stages, most types of treatment tend to take a toll on the patient. Perhaps one of the most known side effects of cancer treatment is hair loss which is mainly attributed to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. To most people, hair is an important part of their identity, so hair loss due to cancer treatment is devastating, especially to young kids.

This brings us to the story of Thomas Moore. When he was 8 years old he found his mother watching a video of a little girl losing her hair during chemotherapy. His mom went on to explain to him that the 5-year-old girl, Kyssi Andrew, was suffering from cancer and the treatment was responsible for her hair loss. At that moment, Moore was inspired to do something about it. He told his mother that he would grow out his hair and give it to Kyssi.


Image Credit: Angie Polus (Moore's mom)
For the next two years and five months, Moore grew out his hair until he was happy with the length and had it cut. Growing it out, was not a smooth ride. For instance, he had to deal with his hair getting stuck to bushes while playing, and as a young boy with long hair, he definitely received some unworthy stares from time-to-time, not to mention the hair-care involved. Once Moore's hair was cut, his aunt Amber shared a picture of him on twitter. So far, it has been retweeted over 57k times and liked over 114k times. Unfortunately, by that time, Kyssi had already lost her battle with cancer. She passed away in June 2015. However, his efforts weren't futile since his hair ended up being enough for three sick kids to receive wigs. So instead of helping one kid, he ended up helping three. Kyssi's mom was also happy about what Moore had done for her daughter and even posted a message on Facebook.

As another added bonus, for his selfless act, Moore received an Act of Kindness Award in October 2016, given to him by retired NBA player Derek Anderson's foundation, Stamina.

Image Credit: Angie Polus (Moore's mom)
Moore's simple act of selflessness and compassion has since touched the hearts of many. He chose to offer what was within his capacity and it made a difference. This only proves that simple acts of kindness can go a long way. On this note, according to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, only 4% of national funds are allocated to childhood cancer research. Maybe you can make a difference by making a donation at Cure Childhood Cancer. Remember, all it takes is a small act of kindness and you'll definitely touch the life of one child or more, just like Thomas Moore.

What are your thoughts about Moore's simple act of kindness?
Winnie Gaturu is a writer, tech lover, mom, wife and student from Nairobi, Kenya. During her free time, she loves trying out new recipes, diy projects, filling in crossword puzzles and spending time with her family. You can catch up with her.

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