Tuesday, August 7, 2018

7 Highlights From Beyoncé's Vogue Cover that Even a Non-Fan Could Love

Beyoncé photo by Tyler Mitchell
By Ta-ning Connai

Leave it to Beyoncé to do the unexpected for her historical September Vogue cover and editorial! Sasha Fierce has left the building and we are privy to see a more down to earth version of the 36-year-old superstar.

The Queen B’s concept was to strip away the glam...barely there makeup, without a care hair and a few designer threads. To accompany the raw beauty captured in the pics, taken by 23-year-old Tyler Mitchell, the first African American to shoot a Vogue cover, Beyoncé gives what I find to be one of the most breathtaking interviews of her career. She laid down her superpowers and put her heart on the line by sharing with us some things that we never knew. So, if you’re not a member of The Beehive yet, you may become her biggest fan after hearing what she had to say...


1. She’s not immune to insecurity.
The girl with the perfect curves has had bouts with insecurity. Bey talks about the time she got sucked into society's expectations of how fast a woman should lose her baby fat. No sooner than Blu Ivy had entered the world, her ambitious mama was scheduling a tour so she could lose the weight while getting ready. Thankfully, when she had the twins, her mindset was entirely different, and she’s at peace with her post-pregnancy self. She's says, “To this day my arms, shoulders, breasts, and thighs are fuller. I have a little mommy pouch, and I’m in no rush to get rid of it. I think it’s real. Whenever I’m ready to get a six-pack, I will go into beast zone and work my ass off until I have it. But right now, my little FUPA and I feel like we are meant to be."

Photo by Tyler Mitchell
2. She can’t stop, won’t stop.
Don’t think that because Beyonce is arguably the world's biggest star that she’s ready to Netflix and chill. She explains, “I’m not alive unless I am creating something. I’m not happy if I’m not creating, if I’m not dreaming, if I’m not creating a dream and making it into something real. I’m not happy if I’m not improving, evolving, moving forward, inspiring, teaching, and learning.” 

3. She takes nothing for granted.
The 22-time Grammy winner definitely has a conscientious soul. She admits she wouldn't be here today if it weren’t for artists like Josephine Baker, Nina Simone, Eartha Kitt, Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Whitney Houston and more. Determined to hold those same doors open for this new generation of artists, she believes that more diversity behind the scenes means more variety in what we see. “It’s important to me that I help open doors for younger artists. There are so many cultural and societal barriers to entry that I like to do what I can to level the playing field, to present a different point of view for people who may feel like their voices don’t matter.”

4. Her family dysfunction goes wayyyyy….wayyyy back.
“I come from a lineage of broken male-female relationships, abuse of power, and mistrust. Only when I saw that clearly was I able to resolve those conflicts in my own relationship. Connecting to the past and knowing our history makes us both bruised and beautiful," Beyoncé says of learning that her ancestry consist of a slave owner that eventually married his slave. She prays that she will be able to break the generational curses in her family so that her kids will have "less complicated lives." 

5. She’s been “to hell and back.”
You would never expect Beyoncé to call her journey “to hell and back.” Yeah, she spilled the tea on Lemonade, but we still couldn't see her human side. But Bey keeps it all the way real when she explains her pain in simple words. “I have experienced betrayals and heartbreaks in many forms. I have had disappointments in business partnerships as well as personal ones, and they all left me feeling neglected, lost, and vulnerable. Through it all I have learned to laugh and cry and grow. I look at the woman I was in my 20s and I see a young lady growing into confidence but intent on pleasing everyone around her. I now feel so much more beautiful, so much sexier, so much more interesting. And so much more powerful.”

Forever Love: Jay-Z und Beyonce KnowlesFoto: Getty Images For Parkwood Entert, Kevin Mazur. All rights reserved.
6. One of the most memorable moments of her career happened in Berlin
For the On the Run II tour, Bey and Jay-Z performed at the Olympiastadion in Berlin, site of the 1936 Olympics where Jessie Owens broke racial barriers by winning four gold medals. 90 years later, The Carters performed to a multiracial crowd in what Bey calls one of her most memorable moments. “When Jay and I sang our final song, we saw everyone smiling, holding hands, kissing, and full of love. To see such human growth and connection—I live for those moments.” 

Bey & her twins
7. She's like the rest of us when it comes to her kids. 
Beyonce has idealistic desires for her children, no different than you or I. She wants them to be seen and heard and to be whoever they want. She also wants to instill in her son Sir, qualities that often get overlooked. She shared, “I want him to know that he can be strong and brave but that he can also be sensitive and kind. I want my son to have a high emotional IQ where he is free to be caring, truthful, and honest. It’s everything a woman wants in a man, and yet we don’t teach it to our boys."

What do you think of her interview? Any new converts to the hive?
TA-NING is a former model and clothing designer who one day got the "call" to leave the fab world of fashion behind. While in Bible College, she discovered her knack for mixing her quirky style of writing with her gift to teach. TA-NING'S TELL IT TUESDAY is a weekly column that uses doses of pop culture to tear down the walls of churchy tradition, change the face of Christianity, and present it's message in a lively way. Ta-ning resides in Santa Monica (by way of BK), is obsessed with dogs, and is an old school Hip-Hop junkie!

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