Wednesday, January 3, 2018

What Will 2018 Mean For Your Life? (And a Giveaway)

Inline_2018_KickoffEvery New Year, the cynics are quick to tell you how arbitrary all the motivational messages, resolutions, and new beginnings are. It’s just another day, they grumble. And, sure, they have a point.

You could start that new diet, join that new CrossFit box that just opened down the street, and finally pursue the dream job you’ve always wanted on March 7th, February 15th, or August 3rd. It doesn’t have to be January 1st. Any day will do. The New Year is somewhat arbitrary.

But we’re social animals who thrive in the presence of others. We feed off the energy around us to fuel our own initiative. On some level we’re always looking to what the group is doing for motivation, if not direction. The New Year presents a unique opportunity that way for all of us. Why would we not take advantage of the tailwind?

Taking that first step toward substantive change isn’t always easy. Taking the next steps each day can get lonely. The mood changes, however, when those around you are buzzing with the same intention. This time of year, whatever space you’re in, it’s often full of humans doing, planning, and discussing big changes. Some of it is false bravado of course. Many will fail. Many will never even begin. But the energy is there, it feels real, and it’s infectious. Wasting the global and local momentum would be a big mistake.

New Year’s cynic or no, there’s no better day than today. There isn’t even any other day than today. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow hasn’t materialized. This moment is all that exists. It’s your only option. And—zip—there it went. Moments go fast. Better grab the next.

Yesterday’s post was a fantastic start. Erin’s WHY x5 is an essential tool for digging into your root desires and motivations for change. If you haven’t already, read it and go download the WHY x5 PDF. Fill it out and then come on back. I’ll wait.

Once you’ve figured out what you want to do, change, or become—and you have something (or somethings) very specific written down—it’s time to gather or shore up any knowledge and know-how you might be lacking. It’s important to know the nuts and bolts of Primal living, eating, and training, as you’ll presumably be utilizing them to enact the changes you desire.

Primal Resources Ready and Waiting

Many of you know these topics inside and out. Others do not. The former group can take the opportunity to discover what they’re missing, what they’ve forgotten, what they never knew. The latter group will be in uncharted territory. Here’s how to navigate:

1. Primal Blueprint Challenge page – On this page you’ll be introduced to the basics of the Primal Blueprint and can follow numerous links to learn more (including a link to join the 21-Day Challenge community on Vimify).

2. The Books – I’d especially recommend The New Primal Blueprint book if you haven’t picked it up already. With loads of updated information, graphics and details, it’s a comprehensive, go-to source for Primal living.

3. What to cook? – Check out the Primal Blueprint Recipes on MDA and our cookbooks as well as the suggestions in the 21-Day Total Body Transformation book.

4. The Newsletter – Sign up on this page to get several free ebooks, a 7-day course on the fundamentals of lifelong health, and more.

While we won’t be doing a formal 21-Day Challenge on MDA until late spring, we’ve got plenty of good in store.

As for the MDA blog, this month we’ll be focusing on practical, actionable information you can use to fuel your healthy 2018 intentions, and we’ll have giveaways throughout all of January to celebrate. Check back each day so you don’t miss your chance to take part! 

Steep Yourself In Community

We’re social beings, remember? Books and blog posts and research can only get you so far. We also need the community, a living breathing thing that reacts and responds to you.

Sometimes you want to hear health and fitness experts have conversations about the types of topics that could change lives—like yours. Check out the Primal Blueprint Podcast hosted by Elle Russ (and sometimes Brad Kearns and myself), and the Primal Endurance Podcast hosted by Brad Kearns. Both are excellent.

There’s a great MDA Facebook group, extremely active and full of motivated posters, Primal Health coaches, and other enthusiasts. Go join so you can take part in the conversation (and have questions answered).

There’s also a Keto Reset Facebook group that you should join if you’re thinking about going keto. It gives you access to thousands of enthusiasts and experts who love talking about everything related to keto.

For either FB group, lurking is fine. You don’t have to participate, though you’ll probably derive more pleasure and success if you do.

The MDA forums are archived and read-only as of last month, but those archives contain valuable information and fascinating conversations between members on thousands of topics. It’s hard to summarize. Just go look.

You’ve got the tools, the knowledge, the goal in mind. Next comes the hard-easy part: action.

You stand at the base of a tall mountain, gazing up at your New Year’s goal glittering at the peak. There’s a path up, and it looks perilous but possible. Daunting but doable. You can do it. Will you? Take that first step and find out.

And Now A Giveaway For Your Thoughts…

Ranch_600xNow I’m going to ask you to fill in the next part. What do you need to make your intention happen—and what can we do on Mark’s Daily Apple to help you? What resources, topics, or ideas will give you a leg up? I’m looking for a whole swarm of possibilities, folks, so don’t be shy.

Let me know what your 2018 intentions are and how the bees and I can help you find success this year. No matter what your goal or your situation, the New Year can be the start of something big for your life.

I’ll choose 15 random commenters from the comment board below to receive a bottle of Primal Kitchen® Ranch Dressing—well, because the more, the merrier. Comment before midnight tonight (1/3/18 PST) to be eligible.

Thanks, everybody. Let’s make 2018 the best yet!


The post What Will 2018 Mean For Your Life? (And a Giveaway) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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