Tuesday, May 16, 2017

How to Shift Your Reality by Shifting Yourself #MorningsWithNik

#CNWorldWide #India

Try this--


Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Again... in your nose, out your mouth.

Now, smile.  The kind where your top row of teeth are visible.

Keep breathing (in your nose, out your mouth) while holding the smile... breathing out through that beautiful smile.

You should feel a substantial and palpable shift of energy.  Peace, satisfaction, joy and love should be welling up from inside of you... localized in the chest area.  STAY THERE. 

Now, get this-- not only are you feeling better right now, you've shifted realties! This is exactly how 'You Version2.0' feels-- the you that already has the freedom, success, fame, the new car, the happy relationship, the vacations, etc.  You are feeling exactly how she feels, right here, right now!  You're already everything you want to be, living all of the experiences you want to experience and the only proof you need is the good feels you're feeling right now. Every time you feel it, you shift.  Stay there. It's the bridge to 'You Version2.0'.


p.s. the more you rest in the good feels, the faster your outer reality will change, dissolving long standing issues and reflecting circumstances that'll cause you to smile even bigger.   Choose the good feels (the new reality), in every moment, no matter the circumstances.  That's the key.

And when you lose it (and you will, repeatedly), go right back to it. Return your attention to the good feels that are always there, waiting for you to stop overlooking them (it's actually a reflection of who you really are at a deeper level).  It's your birthright. 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2rmqSxf

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