Friday, January 20, 2017

Vote for Mark’s Daily Apple in Paleo Magazine’s “Best of 2016”!

mda_paleoawards320x240Perhaps it’s the competitive spirit left over from my marathon and triathlon days, but I love a good contest. And it’s that time of year again when Mark’s Daily Apple and all things Primal compete for the title of Best in Paleo Magazine’s Best of 2016 issue.

Here’s a little bit of backstory if this is your first year taking MDA to the finish line. Paleo Magazine is the premiere print and online subscription publication for all things paleo, primal, and ancestral health. Every year, Paleo Magazine accepts nominations and holds an open vote for the world of paleo/primal aficionados to pick their favorite examples of companies, products, forms of education, and entertainment that are the most cutting edge, relevant, and noteworthy representations of the community. Being on this list means you’re recognized as the cream of the ancestral health crop. And we want Mark’s Daily Apple and the subsequent resources it provides to be recognized for what they are: the leading examples in the ancestral health community!

In the past, we’ve taken home awards for Best Lifestyle/Fitness Site (MDA), Best Supplement Product (Primal Fuel) and Best Paleo eBook and Book (Primal Blueprint Fitness and The Primal Connection respectively), among others.

Once again, I need your help to beat our record. Paleo Magazine has expanded the “Best of” categories this year, and we have some good ideas for how to fill them!

Here are some of the many categories—and some Primal Blueprint sites, programs and products you can nominate.

So click here to head on over to the Paleo Magazine voting portal and submit your nominations for Mark’s Daily Apple, PRIMAL KITCHEN™, and your other favorite Primal and paleo resources.

Thanks for the support. I’ll keep you posted about the results!


The post Vote for Mark’s Daily Apple in Paleo Magazine’s “Best of 2016”! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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