Friday, January 27, 2017

Essential Care Tips for Natural Hair Growth

by Gwen Lewis via

Your hair is a part of your body, like your skin and nails, and they all require nourishment and attention to thrive. In order for your mane to be at its beautiful best, it’s important to take care of your hair in several areas.


Heat & Dryness
Your strands can take a beating from the heat, whether it’s dry weather or repeated styling. Heat (direct heat) in general dries out the hair's cuticle, stripping it of natural moisture and making it more prone to thinning and breakage.

Heating elements like hair straighteners and curling irons do the most damage, causing breakage and split ends. Try to use these less often, or switch to a rolling brush and soft curlers to protect the hair cuticle and get the same style.

Just as the sun can change the color of your skin, it can also affect your hair color. Hair dyes in particular may turn orange or brassy when exposed to persistent sunlight. Wear a hat in direct sunlight and for extended periods of time in the sun.

It’s important to condition your hair regularly to lock in moisture, lessen frizziness, and overall improve the health of your hair. Shampoo less often and condition each time you shower. Leave conditioner in for five to ten minutes to allow it to penetrate into the hair cuticle and provide the maximize effect. Avoid putting conditioner on the scalp, which causes hair oiliness.

Deep conditioning treatments also help with frizziness and hair damage during high temperature months or a period of styling. Use a hair masque once a week or once every other week to treat itinerant damage and perform upkeep.

Having healthy hair also means getting haircuts. Though you may lament cutting any of your locks if you have long hair, it couldn’t be more important for having a healthy head of hair every day. Stylists recommend getting a haircut every four to eight weeks (which may be too often for naturals so opt for less frequent trims. I go about twice a year) to get rid of dead ends. This keeps your hair looking longer and smoother; skipping trimmings makes

Natural Oils
Natural oils are great for keeping your strands smooth and are great for use as a detangler. Argan oil, olive oils, coconut oils are good options for helping out your hair cuticle in the face of frizz.

Nighttime Styles
One thing that’s very important for healthy hair is protecting it at night. While you sleep, your hair can tangle, which promotes breakage. Cotton pillowcases also cause your hair to catch, twist, and break as you toss and turn throughout the night. There are several solutions here. In the first instance, satin or silk pillowcases have much finer textures that are smoother against the hair strands. A hair cap also helps protect the hair. Finally, putting your mane in a simple French braid or set of twists does wonders for keeping your strands from tangling while you sleep. As a plus you’ll wake up with sexy waves!

Having great hair can be as easy as establishing an everyday routine. Take good care of your strands with prevention and maintenance to get the a healthy, beautiful mane.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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