Thursday, January 12, 2017

Use This Ingredient to Retain Moisture in Dry, Brittle Natural Hair

 photo courtesy of Beemore

Lecithin is an essential component of every cell in our bodies. Lecithin is a basis in the structure of cells that prevents the hardening of cell membranes. It is a fat that can also be found in several foods including soybeans, meats, vegetables, and egg yolks. According to, “Lecithin is the common name for a series of related compounds called phosphatidylcholines.” Healthy cells lead to a healthy body and maintaining a body’s resistance to many diseases that take advantage of damaged cells. One of the most well-known benefits of lecithin is supporting cardiovascular health, but some even say it aids in weight loss and relief of arthritis. Lecithin is natural-occurring in the body. It can also be consumed either through foods or as a supplement. The majority of commercial lecithins sold in the market today are from soybean, sunflower, and grape seeds.

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How does lecithin help with hair?
Lecithins are emulsifiers that are surface-active and water-loving. These fatty substances are often found in hair and skin products because of their main nutrients: choline and insotil. Choline and inositol are both important for healthy hair growth, as they are part of the B complex vitamins. Lecithin supports and enhances the required amount of protein for hair growth while improving the texture and look of hair by adding shine or luster. Its high concentration of fatty acids creates a barrier on the skin and hair that effectively captures and seals in moisture.

This moisturizing benefit makes lecithin perfect for persons suffering from dry, brittle hair. It adds shine, seals in moisture, and restores hair’s natural protective coating often damaged by styling, chemical applications, heat, or environmental changes. This is often why we find shampoos and conditioners utilizing lecithin to help improve the look and structure of damaged hair. Lecithins also help control the viscosity of liquids and help with product absorption into the skin or hair. They are highly conditioning and moisturizing for hair conditioners and masks. Not just for conditioning and moisturizing, lecithin helps to prevent fly-away hair for our straight-haired naturals.

There are dietary supplements of lecithin and of course food sources, but if you want the benefits of this natural-occurring ingredient, then you can benefit from these products below that use the emulsifying and moistening power of lecithin in their formulas.

Products with lecithin
LUSH Jungle Solid Conditioner
Blended Beauty Happy Nappy Styles
Curlisto Repair Styling Cream
Mario Badescu Lecithin Nourishing Shampoo
Regenepure Nourishing Treatment Hair Thickening Shampoo for Hair Thinning Treatment
Jessicurl Too Shea! Extra Moisturizing Conditioner

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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