Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Join Us For the FREE 2019 Keto Kickoff! (Plus, A Keto Deal You Won’t Believe…)

It’s that time of year again. People are starting to think about the new year ahead, which always goes hand in hand with resolutions aimed at improving health and fitness. I have an idea: Why not make metabolic flexibility your goal for 2019?

Metabolic flexibility refers to the ability to efficiently use different substrates for energy. Once you free yourself from carbohydrate dependency, you can enjoy sustained energy throughout the day. You can skip a meal or two—or even engage in longer fasts—comfortably. Add to this the ability to supercharge your fitness and sports performance, plus burn excess body fat without the deprivation of a traditional diet mentality.

Sounds great, right? “But Mark,” I hear you asking, “If I’ve already been following the Primal Blueprint for a while, am I not metabolically flexible already?” Yes, you are undoubtedly better at burning fat than the average person nowadays…. BUT (and this is a big but) unless you’ve embarked on a period of dedicated very low carb ketogenic eating, there is still another level of metabolic flexibility waiting to be unleashed. This is the whole reason I wrote The Keto Reset Diet last year—to help people reach the pinnacle of metabolic flexibility, where they can harness the power of fat and ketones for energy (along with glucose as needed, of course).

I strongly believe that it’s in most people’s best interest to periodically dip into ketosis and do a Keto Reset at least once or twice per year. Of course, as so many of you can attest, it’s possible to achieve tremendous gains to health, body composition, fitness, cognition, and general wellness by following a traditional Primal eating pattern (which puts most people in the range of 50 to 150 grams per day of carbs, give or take). Nevertheless, research and anecdotal evidence continues to shed light on the unique benefits that come from being in a state of ketosis at least some of the time.

These days, I move seamlessly between a slightly higher carb Primal profile and ketogenic macros without thinking too much about it. I’m able to do so specifically because I’ve built the metabolic machinery that allows me to use fat and ketones and, yes, carbs for energy. Truly, this is the best I’ve ever felt (and I was feeling pretty darn good before my keto experiment). I want the same flexibility and freedom for all of you.

That’s why I invite you to join me this January for my Keto Reset Kickoff, a FREE one-week introduction to the keto diet—done the Primal way. Maybe you’re curious about keto, or perhaps you already attempted keto without success, or you tried to learn about it on your own but got mired down trying to wade through all the information online. In any case, the Keto Reset Kickoff is for you! I’ll cut through the noise and give you the real skinny on going keto, as well as how to avoid common pitfalls and maximize your success.

Simply sign up now at primalkitchen.com/ketoreset. Starting January 7, I’ll send one easy lesson per day to your inbox for seven days. By the end of the week you’ll understand the basics of keto and why I designed the Keto Reset the way I did. Then if you decide to go for it, my colleague Lindsay Taylor will be leading a full Keto Reset in our Facebook community starting right after the Keto Reset Kickoff. (Join the community now to get all your questions answered and hit the ground running in 2019 in a supportive environment.)

When you sign up for the Keto Reset Kickoff, I’ll also send you the Keto Reset Kickoff Pregame package that includes:

  • The Pregame ebook that will help you set the stage for success by getting on track with your Primal eating
  • A journal to help you plan for success during a Keto Reset

But wait, there’s more! (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.) I’m giving everyone who enrolls a chance to get the Keto Reset Online Mastery Course for FREE (that a $147 value) with the purchase of a Primal Kitchen Advanced Keto Kit. You get my absolute favorite keto-friendly products, plus the most comprehensive multimedia educational experience around, designed for anyone interested in the ketogenic diet. It’s an unbelievable deal.

Even if you’re still on the fence about keto, I encourage you to sign up for the Keto Reset Kickoff and learn more about it. I’m eager to share the Keto Reset approach with you so you can decide for yourself if you’re ready to dip into that lower end of my Primal Blueprint Carbohydrate Curve and go keto in 2019. 

Thanks for being here, everybody. Lindsay and I look forward to you joining us in January!

The post Join Us For the FREE 2019 Keto Kickoff! (Plus, A Keto Deal You Won’t Believe…) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple https://ift.tt/2PyUxxY

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