Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Are You a Thermostat or a Thermometer?

No matter what’s going on in the foreground of your life, stop, breathe, and feel into the silent Love that’s always, already in the background. This is not flowery language... this isn’t something to visualize, or imagine... this is a real, felt-experience you’re overlooking in every eternal-instant. When you’re remembering IT, feeling IT, your life becomes an extension of IT, and everyone in the room... in the world, benefits! #BeHerNow


p.s. you don’t have to shift from ‘mad af’ straight into ‘excitement’. You don’t have to grin, or ‘fake it til you make it.’ You only have to feel a tiny bit of the Peace that you are... just a sliver, just a piece of Peace. Noticing the Love, the Peace, the Go(o)d that is present alongside the inner and outer drama... that IS ‘surrender’, the ‘let go’, the ‘acceptance’ that creates just enough space in you for the miracle to happen. Let IT

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki https://ift.tt/2S5Xhow

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