Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A Tale of Manifestation: I was Guided to South Africa and Met Oprah

“I'm back from my last minute, magical trip to South Africa! In addition to slaying my panel on beliefs and identity (the original reason I was invited), I finally met Queen O and got a pic (even though I should've missed her event entirely due to flight cancellations and delays, and despite the fact that my luggage was lost, AND despite the fact that she wasn't meeting folks or taking pics anyway!), and hang out on stage at the Global Citizen Festival with Chris Martin of Coldplay (despite being told it was too late to be credentialed for VIP access, let alone backstage or ON STAGE access). On my way home I almost missed my flight, but a serendipitous encounter not only got me to my gate with 5 minutes to spare, the angel who delivered me, just happened to be on the board of directors of Global Citizen! Win.

I'm writing this morning to tell you something I was told before I boarded my flight to Johannesburg. 'TRUST DEEPER'. This inner beauty, the Divine Presence I'm always writing about and pointing you to, the one I know you have felt before, is your purpose. It is THE goal. Staying aware of IT... feeling IT... walking in IT, will get you to where you need to be. It has the blueprint for your best life and it is forever unfolding for you, if you let it.

I love you and hope you continue to practice... continue to meditate... continue to read. I hope you continue to focus, to love, to share.” - excerpted from my most recent #BHN email

Image quote: IG @kimblackwellpmm

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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