Thursday, June 7, 2018

Grooming Expert 'I Am Mister Fresh' is Naturally Glam!

Randy aka Mister Fresh
By Erickka Sy Savané

Randy, aka Mister Fresh, was born and raised in a small town in South Jersey. It was his mom who stressed the importance of first impressions and always looking his best. Today, he's taken that advice to new levels by becoming a men's grooming expert, esthetician, content creator, and all-around fly guy. Peep how he stays at the top of his game and naturally glam!


How long have you been rocking a beard and baldie? 
I started rocking a baldie in 2009 when Barack become president. It was time for a change. I've been wearing a beard off-and-on for the last 4 years. 

How do you keep your beard and baldie fresh? 
I usually cut my hair once a week, but it all depends on what I have going on sometimes twice. My go-to products are the Purpose cleansing bar, Sea breeze astringent and Lucky Tiger vanishing cream. I treat my scalp like my face by using toner to keep it moisturized and I do not use razors to avoid nicks and cuts. For my beard, I use Proraso, an Italian grooming brand that has an amazing hot oil beard treatment, beard balm and beard oil. It works pretty well with my skin and beard. Shea Moisture Men also has a beard conditioning oil that I love to use when I'm traveling. 

How has being bald contributed to your life/self-esteem? 
I first started thinning in my mid-20’s. I tried everything on the market at that time and it only worked temporarily. I finally came to terms that my hair was not my saving grace and decided to cut it off and try a new look. It took some time to get used to, but I adjusted and love everything about it now. I've been told I have a nice shaped head.

Do you let people touch your head?

What are the misconceptions people have about men and grooming? 
It’s feminine, which I never understood. Some people will invest more time into their sneaker collection but will say they don't have enough to groom. Priorities are important.

What's a major grooming DO and DON'T for men?
DO - Exfoliate and wear sunscreen. DON'T -Black men especially, shave with razors regularly. It's just not good for our skin. Clippers can go a long way.

What's the best grooming advice you give men? 
Having a consistent regimen will give you the results you want. Discover what works best for you!

How do you stay healthy?
I wake up 4-5 days a week at 5am and hit the gym. The typical day is usually some type of weight training followed up with some intense cardio. Stair Master and jumping rope are my favorites.

What do you do for fun?
I love to go hiking, biking around the city, spending time with friends and just laughing. I'm also a true movie buff, so it doesn't matter if it's in theaters or on Netflix I'm tuning in.

How do you stay positive?
Thank GOD everyday and appreciate what I have and the people in my life that inspire me.

Did you have a positive male role model growing up? 
My dad was an entrepreneur before I even knew what that meant. He always told me to write things down, set long and short terms goals, and create whatever you want.

Keep up with Randy aka Mister Fresh!
All photos via Randy's IG

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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