Thursday, May 24, 2018

This Video of a Young Tiffany Haddish is Proof that Hard Work Pays Off

Tiffany Haddish 
By Erickka Sy Savané

A common misconception that a lot of us have when we see new celebrities is thinking that it happened overnight. Sorry to burst any bubbles, but ain't no overnight success. By the time a person is in front of us doing their thing at a high level they've already put in years worth of work that we'll probably never see. Major thanks to actress and comedian Tiffany Haddish- who has had her share of life's tough breaks from foster care to homelessness- for sharing this video via IG because it's proof that not only does hard work pay off, anyone can live the dream! Now let's go out and be somebody!


Tiffany has been grinding and getting ready for a minute. 
Do you believe that hard work pays off?

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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