Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Tell It Tuesday: Meghan Markle's #BlackGirlMagic is a Reminder of This

Meghan Markle aka The Duchess of Sussex 
By Ta-ning Connai

Black Girl Magic is a big gigantic rainbow! And if Meghan Markle were a part of my 90’s inner city camp crew called Unlimited Flavors, she probably could've squeezed right in between me (they named me Nutty Coconut) and this girl we called Vanilla Almond Swirl! We were celebrating our black girl magic way back before the hashtag, loving what brought us together while embracing the ways we all stood apart.

Who knew decades later we’d be witness to an average sistah just like us plucked from obscurity and thrusted into royalty! Racists tried to deem the newly crowned Duchess unworthy right from the start, but Prince Harry was like, “Not today Satan!” and he shut that nonsense down!

Prince Harry in Lesotho, S. Africa
Prince Harry is well known for his charitable deeds and has given more than his share of money and time to several organizations, many of which aid African nations. But it was his deep and personal love for the bi-racial actress that provoked him to speak up against racism like he never had before. I truly believe that waaaaaay before she even stepped foot in that castle, the God-given royalty already running through her veins had the power to bring a quiet man out of the shadows and onto a platform where his voice could be heard. And when he chastised the press and social media for harassing Meghan because of her race, a man of courage was immediately born!

Whether black or white or any color in between, we as women have the ability to change both people and things just by walking in the room. Whether it’s a throne room, a classroom, the diaper room, or the board room...just recognize what ya got and change can not be stopped! And you can be single or married for that!

There was also some racist stuff surrounding the reign of King Ahasuerus back in the Bible days, in the Book of Esther. And if it wasn't for the former peasant girl name Esther, he would have remained the shallow king that he was, gloating over his wealth and missing the opportunity to both save an entire race and become a better human being.

See, Vashti was King Ahasuerus’ first Queen, and when she got tired of him obnoxiously parading her around like a bikini-clad video chick sitting on top of a car, she refused to be his arm candy anymore. The mix of drinking and pride caused him to give her the boot and when he found himself queenless, he didn't know what to do. So he went ahead with the dumb idea to have a contest and whoever won got to be his Queen. After many auditions, callbacks and semi-final rounds, this girl name Esther made her way to the top and went from an orphaned little wanderer to a Royal Highness practically overnight.

Well, just when she probably thought it was time to max and relax, she found out from her Uncle Mordecai that all Jews were scheduled to be annihilated. And what's this got to do with Esther? She was Jewish and it was kept secret, even her hubby didn't know!

So now Esther is faced with the most OMG moment of her life. She could DIE by telling the king and she could DIE by not telling him. But her uncle sparked a little bit of purpose in her life and this is what he said, “...Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4: 14) Yeah, that's pretty deep.

So Esther was like, “Y’all better pray for me!" and off she went to approach the temperamental king. She basically told him who she was and presented him with a chance to become a king remembered for both bravery and humanity.

Dude was so flabbergasted by her mix of beauty, guts and wisdom, that he was like, “Bae, Imma kill the fools in charge of that plan and save ALL your peeps! Imma promote your uncle ‘cause he’s cool like dat and you girl are getting your own holiday!” Well, he didn't say it exactly that way, I'm paraphrasing, of course. But the truth still remains, Esther went from obscurity to royalty just like that! But it was because of the REAL royalty that was within her ALL ALONG.

Your royalty is NECESSARY. In some cases, not all, it will include a husband figure to bring it to its next level. But we all need the right friends, the right mentors, the right team, to help us to get to the right place at the right time. But that's God's job. Just be ready, and please remember, if Jesus is a King, you're already a Queen!

Are you walking in your royalty?
TA-NING is a former model and clothing designer who one day got the "call" to leave the fab world of fashion behind. While in Bible College, she discovered her knack for mixing her quirky style of writing with her gift to teach. TA-NING'S TELL IT TUESDAY is a weekly column (originally launched on Facebook) that uses doses of pop culture to tear down the walls of churchy tradition, change the face of Christianity, and present it's message in a lively way. Ta-ning resides in Santa Monica (by way of BK), is obsessed with dogs, and is an old school Hip-Hop junkie!

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