Monday, May 14, 2018

The Miseducation of Azealia Banks: 5 Takeaways from her Breakfast Club Interview.

Azealia Banks on the Breakfast Club
By Brenda Alexander

Azealia Banks has been hard for me to figure out. One minute, she's professing the most thought-provoking, incense lighting ceremony worthy opinions and the next, what’s uttered from her tongue makes you eager to refer her to the closest clinical psychiatrist for an immediate diagnosis and treatment- or hire a crisis management firm to reel her in a bit (Olivia Pope would do wonders). But she’s smart. With her intellect, she could stand with Dr. Michael Eric Dyson on a panel discussing whatever is impacting black lives. But her Kanye-esque rants and adult tantrums have overpowered her talent and brilliance. I knew she was a rapper, but I had no idea she could SANG until a clip of her singing I’m Every Woman acapella made its rounds. Her gifts mixed with her lack of censorship have been counterproductive in terms of the success an artist of her stature could achieve. Aside from making headlines for whatever beefs she starts (Remy Ma, Nicki Minaj, T.I. & Tiny, and now Cardi B), there’s a layer underneath that’s full of potential. This was proven further with her most recent interview with The Breakfast Club.

Here are 5 revelations that have me rooting for her.

She Thinks Cardi B Is Counterproductive to Black Girl Magic
Defending why she referred to Cardi B as an illiterate, uneducated hoodrat, Banks explained that she’s perplexed that in such a state of #blackexcellence, Cardi B transitioning from the stripper pole to reality TV and then popping on the hip hop scene with broken English contradicts the direction the culture was going in. Having nothing against Cardi’s rise to fame, but instead what she considers the caricature she’s accepted as by the mainstream media, Banks believes with the double standard between what’s accepted with blacks versus the world, Cardi B adds an extra barrier. “I don’t understand how we can go from Lemonade and Black Lives Matter with great conversations revolving around the culture and black womanhood to this,” she says. “If my spelling and grammar was that bad, I’d be cancelled.” I have no issue with Cardi, but I couldn’t agree with Azealia more. Black women aren’t given any passes.

She Was A Trump Supporter But Mainly Because of His Proposed Tax Break
We all know that black folk and Trump don’t blend so anyone who sides with him is excommunicated. Azealia was no exception. But, unlike many when it comes to voting democratic versus republican, Banks has an understanding on policy that I was impressed with. “The American Dream rests on a systematically oppressed underclass and either way you go, you get f**ked,” she professed. Her logic for supporting Trump was: there’s no difference in either political party you align yourself with because there will still be marginalization of groups, so why not get extra money out of it? She was pro Trump for the tax break y’all. She also revealed her love of bold comedy with shows like South Park and likened the show to Trump’s foolery, saying she found him amusing….until he actually became President. Guess the joke’s on her now?

She Didn’t Want to Vote for Hillary Clinton Because She Thought It Would Be A Win For White Women And A Loss For Black Women
Banks attributes the division of black families to Bill Clinton’s 1994 Crime Bill. She reminded us that Hillary referred to us as super predators . Hillary did brag about carrying hot sauce in her bag, which is associated with the black eating experience. I guess that’s what happens when using Beyonce lyrics goes least for a white woman. What took the cake for me was Banks declaring that she likes her “racists racist” [a reference to Trump not hiding his]. No need to be discreet about it for her. Can’t be mad at her for that.

She Doesn’t See The Need For Black Women To Be All Inclusive
Banks believes that black women should think twice before longing for inclusiveness with our white women counterparts. Reflecting on the Suffrage Movement, Banks declares, “Black women helped white women get their right to vote and then they left us by ourselves. We were the last American citizens to get voting rights.” This girl needs a pulpit. While I want to have the same civil rights as White America, it’s been shown that we are left with no water after we help others to the well.

The #MeToo Doesn’t Apply to Black Women
I’ve written about this before and Banks has experienced it first-hand. Speaking on her confrontation with Russell Crowe, she admitted she does not forgive RZA for not protecting her. He admitted that he witnessed Crow spit “in her direction,” but Banks alleges that she was spat on and choked, amongst other things. RZA defended Crowe and Banks did not press charges because she didn’t have the money. She claims RZA did more harm than good by speaking about it publicly and ruined both of their chances in the acting world. She holds RZA more accountable for the ordeal than Crowe because she felt betrayed by a black man...and I get it. 

I would encourage everyone to check out the full interview. I’ll be watching to see where she goes from here. 


Do you have any thoughts on what Azealia had to say?
Brenda is a Philadelphia native with a love for Marketing, Creative writing, wine and Jesus. Her work has been featured on Mayvenn’s Real Beautiful blog and she is the co-author of the book Christmas 364: Be Merry and Bright Beyond Christmas Night (available for purchase on amazon). Follow her on IG @trulybrenda_ and

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