Thursday, May 24, 2018

A 3D Emoji App for Melanin-Poppin,' Natural-Haired Women is Just What We Need!
By Erickka Sy Savané

Ever feel like you needed an emoji that said exactly what you need it to say from someone that looks like you and your peeps? Napturalista Moji feels you and that's why they recently launched a kickstarter campaign to bring their melanin-poppin,' natural-haired emoji's to life!

Napturalista Moji was inspired by Black women of the Natural Hair movement with an aim to create a healthy appreciation for the natural beauty that black women and girls possess.

Eugenia Okafor, the creative director of the Napturalista Moji team states,
“Black women/girls are too often relegated to the margins in conversations of beauty, desirability and worth. With Napturalista Moji we are bringing ‘Sistas' to the centerfold. We’ve carved out a digital space to affirm Black Women that is free from encroachment and appropriation. In short, we’re here to give credit where credit is due. We hope you’re here for it too.” 
We are here for it, just look at how they transform this group chat!

Group Chat
This project has been over a year in the making, with most of the work being done by a team of sisters and brothers (literally siblings in some cases). Faith Onwusa and Rynae Linsey serve in design/curator roles while Okafor’s three younger brothers, Joe, Alex and Onye, support in a various capacities as well. (Talk about a family affair!!!) 

Now, they've put their hard work into a Kickstarter launch because like with many great things, they need money. And like many great things that happen in our community, it only happens when we recognize the need and come together to make it happen. Like seriously, who will create this type of representation for us? 

Like the Napuralista Emoji team says, 
“History has shown that when we look to others to create representations of/for us, we either end up waiting for a mighty long time, thoroughly disappointed in the end-result, or both. We must produce as much, if not more, than we consume.”

If you want to support this project, and we hope you do, go to the kickstarter page now (they only have till June 26 to meet their goal) and give just $5, more if you can. It does add up! Also visit their website to sign up to keep in touch with them. We expect that this is just the beginning for this creative, boss-ass team!


from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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