Thursday, May 26, 2016


The face you make when you have a plane to catch tomorrow at 6am but haven't unpacked from Cuba (shit, still haven't unpacked from Brazil), have to wash and style Gia's hair, clean up, or at least call the people in, blog, get the nails did, respond to comments and emails and take a conference call in a minute, but all you want to do is re-read one of your favorite books and meditate. 

Read On!>>>

For the record, read and meditate (i.e. 'me time') always wins. Every time.  I start with me (you can't pour from an empty vessel) and then everything else gets done much more easily and with a lot fewer curse words. 

I'll check back in tomorrow or Saturday.

Love you guys!

p.s. and I will be responding to each and every Cuba comment-- just gimme a minute while I get my life together.

p.p.s. I did do my hair, tho.  I washed and set using Curlformers + Jane Carter's leave-in and a little Ouidad Mongongo Oil.  After 2 hours under the dryer, I took them out and quickly put my hair into two flat twists and put a hat on that joint.  #HairBreak #LikeABoss

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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