Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Check Out the Free Paleo f(x) 2016 Live Stream!

Paleo fx live stream firstI’m getting ready to head off to Austin, Texas for Paleo f(x) 2016, one of my favorite events of the year. I always leave inspired, with an expanded mind and new friends who share my passion for ancestral health.

As you may know, Paleo f(x) is the place to be for anyone looking to discover something new within the Paleo/Primal sphere. It’s a full weekend composed of New York Times bestselling authors, leading physicians, scientists, practitioners, athletes, fitness professionals, health entrepreneurs, activists, bloggers, and more. And if you’re looking to get in on the action, there’s more than one way to do it.

If you’re planning on attending, then be sure to say hello. I’ll have a booth set up (as will hundreds of other Paleo/Primal-friendly vendors). My awesome crew and I would love to meet you. Plus, I’m delivering a keynote address on Primal Endurance principles, which you won’t want to miss. Paleo f(x) is expecting attendance to reach well beyond 2,000 people from all walks of ancestral health living, so you’ll be able to network, rub shoulders, make friends, and learn more than you’d probably thought possible in one weekend.


You don’t have to attend live though. Paleo f(x) is all about promoting the movement and reaching as many people as possible, so the organizers are featuring a number of presentations, Q & As, and panel discussions for FREE via live stream from May 27-29th. You’ll be able to livestream all presentations on the Bulletproof Paleo On Ramp Stage (including everything you want to know about health, nutrition, fitness, sleep, and lifestyle from an evolutionary health perspective). No travel arrangements necessary! You can catch some of the liveliest, informative discussions directly from your living room.

There’s going to be three days’ worth of content lined up via from some of the world’s most prominent speakers in ancestral health, including:

  • Robb Wolf
  • Chris Kresser
  • Melissa Hartwig
  • Dr. Sarah Ballantyne
  • Michelle Tam
  • Abel James
  • Emily Schromm
  • Dr. Kellyann Petrucci
  • Dr. Johnny Bowden
  • Jill Coleman

Not too shabby for a free online event. If you’re already interested, just click here to sign up.

You can also check out a small sampling of what’s in store:

What to Expect When You’re Expecting & Paleo – May 27th, 5:05 pm CDT

This panel discussion, featuring Melissa Hartwig and other super ancestral health moms, will focus on all things related to tackling pregnancy with a Paleo/Primal lifestyle. Guest speakers will discuss the benefits of rearing your baby in concert with ancestral health principles, drawing from a wide array of professional and personal experiences.

Ask the Paleo Experts: Open Q & A – May 28th, 11:05am CDT

This live Q & A session features one of my own favorite Primal doctors here at MDA, Dr. Cate Shanahan, who’s answered some of your listener questions on The Primal Blueprint Podcast. As a medical professional well-versed in ancestral health theory, you’ll definitely want to tune in to see her take on whatever the audience has to ask.

Vaccines, GMOs and UFOs – May 29th, 11:05am CDT

You’ll also be able to see me put in my two cents as a panel participant. In what should be a lively discussion, we’ll be talking about the state of modern science, seen through the lens of certain public controversies such as GMOs and vaccines. We’ll examine the state of peer review, which scientific experts and the public should ostensibly trust, and when and where mainstream science or alternative health veers into pseudoscience. I’m sure this one will interest more than a few of you.

Again, that’s only a fraction of the lineup. There’s too much content to mention here, so check out the schedule to get the scoop on all the additional content that will be available over the entirety of the event. I’m sure you’ll be hard pressed not to find a speaker or topic worth checking out. Heck, if you tune in and get some questions about topics you’d like me to address, take some notes and send them in. This is a great opportunity to revitalize, explore, and tackle the newest issues circulating around the community.

So I hope you’ll join me, if not in person, then online from May 27th through the 29th for Paleo f(x). See you then!

Click here to sign up for the free Paleo f(x) Live Stream!

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/1TuSL1r

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