Thursday, May 5, 2016

Honey Treatments for Healthy Scalp and Natural Hair

IG @ciara_nicole 


What is antibacterial and moisturizing all at once? Oh, and it’s probably already in your kitchen cabinet. Any guesses? If you surmised honey, you are absolutely right! There are several varieties that can be used, and your wallet will be the determining factor as to how much you want to spend:



Manuka Honey ($15 & up!)
There is no better humectant than honey when it comes to infusing moisture into parched, moisture-deprived curls. On top of that, some types of honey, like New Zealand manuka honey, are highly antibacterial and have been found to destroy MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), a strain of bacteria that is highly resistant to most antibiotics. It goes without saying, then, that this type of honey will be very cleansing for the hair and scalp. Prices for an 8.8 ounce jar of manuka honey range from $15 and up. Where can you find it? Try your local Trader Joe’s or health food store. You can also find it on everywhere on the Internet.

Raw Honey ($6 – $8)
If manuka honey is too pricey for you, why not try plain raw honey? It’s antibacterial properties are quite high, though those of manuka are higher. Nonetheless, raw honey is full of enzymes and agents that make it a wonderful hair cleanser too. And as for the cost, a 16 ounce jar of raw honey is just $6 to $8. Not bad at all.

Regular Old Processed Honey ($3 -$5)
Though most of its antibacterial properties are removed, its ability to add moisture is still virtually intact. So feel free to use this type of honey for hair conditioning. It’s also the least expensive option.


Use Honey to Cleanse Your Hair
Simply combine it with coconut oil or olive oil and apply to wet hair. You can even add a few drops of a cleansing essential oil, like tangerine or lavender for added strength.

To apply it:
#1 Massage into the scalp, applying the mixture copiously and completely covering all of your hair.
#2 Next, allow it to sit on the hair as long as you like; in fact, the longer the better. You can even cover your hair with a plastic cap for 10-15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.
#3 Proceed with conditioning if you want to (though I haven’t needed it after this exceptionally moisturizing process). A conditioner also MIGHT be helpful for detangling. But it entirely up to you!

Enhance Deep Conditioning
Simply add it to your favorite deep conditioner and proceed with your heating cap. Conversely, it can be used for a brief conditioning rinse when added to your regular conditioner. Either way, your hair will feel VERY moisturized and quenched.

As time goes on, we will probably continue to be amazed with the benefits of honey. Not only is it the best cough syrup around, but it also works wonders for the scalp AND natural hair. Who knew?

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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