Thursday, May 5, 2016

Natural Hair Styles- The Graduation Edition

Re-Post 5/2/2012

by Jamila of For The Fabulous and Frugal  

It's that time again! Graduation is right around the corner, so I wanted to do a special post for you fabulous college curlies preparing to move on to the next phase of your life!

My first tip is that you can wear your curly/kinky/coily underneath your cap. I thought it wasn't possible, but it was actually quite easy to wear a cap over my curls, even with the humidity of summer in North Carolina. So before you reach for that flat iron,  here are some style options to keep it fierce and carefree on graduation day. 

Twist Out: A simple way to rock your hair big and boldly under a cap is to simply wear a twist out and secure the cap on with bobby pins, which is what I did. To maximize space under the cap, try flat twisting your hair and not fluffing the roots, so that the area underneath the cap lies flat, and the part outside of it is visible and defined.  You can also pin some of the front section of your hair back, like I did:
Twist-out with one side pinned to the back
 Not convinced? Here are some more ladies rocking fierce twist outs underneath a graduation cap:


...believe me now? :)

Here's my favorite tutorial (by Naptural85) on how to use flat twists to get a super defined twist out:

And another great video by Black Onyx on how to get your curls to hang:

Twist It Up:  You could try curly twists,  mini twists, or finger coils, which can be pinned various ways beneath your cap and styled different ways post photos/ceremony.


Roller Set: If you're worried about your hair puffing up beneath your cap, this is a great option to still rock your curls, but have them be easier to manage under a hat. Try Curlformers or Flexi Rods.


Half-Updo: Another option is to do a half-pinned up style. You can style your hair with flat twists,  so that you have a cute style to wear the rest of the day. Check our my version here.

When all else fails... Accessorize! Bring a few headbands, flowers, and bobby pins in case your hair gets fussed up during the photo session. Always good to have these on deck! I hope this helps. 

Senior curlies, what are you doing with your hair for graduation/senior pics?

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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