Thursday, November 1, 2018

Your Excuses Not to Meditate, Busted. Butterfly Beach, Santa Barbara, California.

by Julia Austin via

Meditation is a powerful thing. Just look at all of the successful and high profile individuals who love it. Can we say that they got to where they are thanks to meditation alone? No, but it probably contributed quite a bit. Meditation can bust feelings of self-doubt, at the core of your being. They can help you think clearly. They can help you better understand what it is that you want. They can give you more mental energy to accomplish your goals, while also instilling the patience it might take to get there. You can quickly see how those are all things that could contribute to one’s success. But, not everyone takes to meditation easily. The entire concept of sitting cross-legged or lying in a dark room for a long time doing nothing makes some people uneasy. Ironically, once you get into it, meditation will be the thing that makes you feel the most at ease. Here are your excuses to not meditate, squashed.


You don’t have time
There are probably a lot of things that take you 10 to 20 minutes that you do each day that you don’t need to do. You’d be better served to meditate for 20 minutes a night than to watch one more episode of that sitcom. And, when meditation starts to work, you’ll notice that you do all of your tasks more swiftly—you feel less sluggish—so you actually gain time.

You’re too stressed out
Well, that’s a whole mess of an excuse. The whole point of meditation is to help you de-stress. If you’re so stressed out that you can’t meditate then, you need to meditate more than anyone.

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