Monday, November 19, 2018

4 Last Minute Soul Food Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes

Hola Chicas!

This will officially be my first Thanksgiving without one (or two) Honey Baked Hams!  I've been vegan since May 2018 and I'm still going hard. Luckily, my parents are also plant based now (still!!!) and hubby is a flexitarian, so we're mostly on the same page! I don't do the kitchen, but I look forward to tasting one of these recipes on Thursday! 

If you're like me, this should do... especially if you've got some Beyond Burgers on deck, or some Chickenless Chicken Strips from Trader Joes. That, plus some cranberry sauce, and issa hella official Vegan Thanksgiving!!!

 For more recipes, check out this amazing list! And this article from xonecole!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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