Thursday, November 15, 2018

Here's the Secret to Mastering Perfect Eyebrows!

by Emerald Elitou of

If you're anything like me, you may have found yourself obsessed with getting your eyebrows on fleek thanks to the growing rise of double tap-worthy photos constantly being displayed on our Instagram timelines. But I'll be honest, once I put my pencil to work, let's just say it can be a messy experience.

Let me give you a visual: Do you remember Helga from the 90s cartoon Hey Arnold? Well, that's how I felt after I tried to fill in my brows, and that's with countless hours of YouTube tutorials.

Slowly, I found myself giving up hope that I'll ever have brows worth envying. That was until I met the "Queen of Brows", Felicia Hoskins, who gave me all the tips I need to get those Teyana Taylor type brows that stay turning heads.

As the owner of Madd Love Beauty, located on the west side of Chicago, Felicia knows just how time-consuming and stressful it can be to obtain the most precise brows.

"No two brows will ever be identical."

According to Felicia, we are stressing too much about making our brows identical to each other. The best way to achieve perfectly matching eyebrows is with tinting and or brow filling with makeup.
"It only takes about 3-4 weeks to grow out your brows."

No matter who you are, it can take about 3-4 weeks to grow out your brows. To help in the progression, try using castor oil every night after cleansing your brows and use a mascara wand to gently brush the brows in the direction of the hair. This stimulates the hair growth and your brows will be back on track in no time.

"Tweeze in the direction of the hair growth."

Tweezing doesn't have to be so painful. Just take a steamed towel and place it over your brows for a few minutes. The steam softens the hair follicles and makes tweezing less painful. Be sure to always tweeze in the direction of the hair growth.

"Highlight the brows, as this will cover any hairs that may have grown in."
If you are between brow appointments and need a quick touch up, take a brow pencil and fill in your brows using the most product in your arch and end areas, then lightly shade in the corners while stroking upwards.

Once filled, use a concealer that's a shade or two lighter than your foundation and clean up any residue. Be sure to highlight the brows, as this will cover any hairs that may have grown in and give you a perfect shape until your next appointment.

continue, HERE!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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