Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Primal Health Coach Certification Program Keeps Getting Better and Better

Woman With LaptopThere’s something to be said for embarking on a path and then staying open when the road branches off in different directions. That feels like an apt metaphor for my career. I was always in touch with my passion and purpose: pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors in the field of health and wellness to activate positive and persistent change in as many lives as possible. But the exact unfolding of my career path has been a continual and welcome surprise.

These past few years especially, my business has branched out to all different avenues…book publishing, nutritional supplements, educational diet and exercise systems, a successful condiment company, a franchise of restaurants…but at the heart of all of my endeavors is my passion for spreading the Primal way of life across the globe.

After my career as a pro endurance athlete and before I started blogging here at Mark’s Daily Apple, I transitioned to a fitness and health coaching career and saw firsthand how providing one-on-one wellness support could effect dramatic change in the lives of people who had all but given up on living a vibrant, healthy life.

Impacting people on a personal level is what I’m all about, but I wanted to reach more people than was possible working one-on-one with clients within the constraints of a 24-hour day and 40-hour workweek. So, I started Mark’s Daily Apple to help elevate the paleo and Primal conversation onto a more expansive platform. And it worked. People actually read what I had to say. The Primal message reached millions, and helped an untold number of people take control of their health and their lives.

But then the road revealed yet another path. There was more that could be done. I am only one man, but what if I could collaborate with all you Primal enthusiasts out there to help spread the Primal message and heal the health of the world? What if I could help create a global network of Primal Health Coaches to transform the health and consciousness of communities into ones of optimal wellness and happiness through ancestral health? That’s why I started the Primal Health Coach program—to train other health motivators to inspire change.

I launched the program last year to remarkable success, and I’m thrilled to say thousands of people have taken up the banner for Primal pursuits across the world. Here are just a few of their beautiful faces:

I love hearing from Primal Health Coach graduates to see where they’re at in their career pursuits and how the program has helped them.

The Primal Health Coach program provides a concise platform of knowledge that I pass on to my personal training clients and colleagues. It has given me the confidence to help people in ways beyond the fitness industry. Simply put, I am a more well-rounded trainer and health coach because of my experiences with Primal Health Coaching.

– Josh Holland

The Primal Health Coach program expanded my access to and credibility with people who embrace Primal principles but may not have considered holistic medicine, enhancing my practice and extending my professional reach.

Dr. Dana Leigh Lyons

Completing the Primal Health Coach program has proven to be an invaluable asset to my coaching practice. I’m so much more prepared to explain the benefits of a Primal lifestyle to my clients and coach them as they take their health, fitness, and performance to a higher level than ever thought possible.

– James Arthur

The Primal Health Coach program is a comprehensive training package that has helped solidify my knowledge of the Primal philosophy as well as how to eat and train in general. In the start-up phases currently, I know that the information and coursework I learned from the Primal Health Coach program will allow me to help others and give them alternatives to the Standard American Diet approach. The added sales and client information are the icing on the cake to take the information and put it to use in helping others.

– Jeff Pickett

I wanted to thank you for putting together the business materials and the 90-day program. Within a few days of that being published for us, I booked my first 2 clients (I started going to a gym and the owner will literally call me over while he is on-boarding people!!!). I’ve told you before that I struggle with organizing things and need a structure to follow, then I’m good. Well, it was enough for me to jump in.

– Mike Bruce

In the last year, my team and I have paid close attention to requests from our students and graduates. We’ve listened carefully to their feedback, so we can continue to make improvements to the program—improvements that will provide them with everything they need to run successful businesses as Primal Health Coaches and get their clients the results they desire. Today, I’m excited to announce that we’ve recently released several major program updates.

The new and improved Primal Health Coach Learning Center features:

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New Learning Management Platform – We’ve redesigned our learning hub so that you can move through the coursework and examinations simply and easily from the comfort of your home, and on any device (computer, tablet, mobile phone). Once a student, you have lifetime access to the coursework.

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New/Updated Coaching Coursework – My goal has always been to train the most effective coaches and set them up with thriving health-coaching businesses from start to finish, so we’ve expanded our coaching education courses and lead you through the ins and outs of operating a successful practice. Master Coach Christine Hassler walks you through training videos that bolster confidence, help you secure clients and brand your business with an online presence, and arm you with both coaching and sales strategies. Every lesson features supportive text, audio additions, and ready-made PDF handouts for you to use in your business.

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A New Primal Health Coach Business Resource Center – The nucleus of your health coaching business, with all the tools, forms, educational handouts, logos, graphics, and guidance you need to kickstart your health coaching business and keep it running full steam ahead. We motivate and inspire with business-building tips, rates and programming advice, legal and insurance considerations, coaching strategies for the many different personalities you will encounter, suggestions for earning passive income and making the most of your health coaching certification, and so much more. The learning never stops, and the support keeps on coming.

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A New Step-by-Step 12-Week Program – You’ve worked hard with a deep dive into ancestral health, and now you can hit the ground running with a done-for-you program you can use in your practice. No more guesswork. And no struggling through months of program prep. You can immediately and confidently launch your health coaching business knowing you have a sure-fire and customizable regimen to use with clients. We’ve got you covered every step of the way.

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A New and Improved “Find a Coach” Directory – As a graduate of the program you’ll have the option of creating a public profile on PrimalHealthCoach.com. Being listed in the directory is a great way to attract new clients.

And we’ve included numerous other updates and improvements, all designed to build better coaches.

I wanted to let you know about these updates in case you or someone you know has been thinking about a health coaching career and is excited to help others onto the Primal path.

As a thank you for your loyalty and passion for Primal, we’re offering $100 off the program until April 17th. Just call us at 844-307-7662 and refer to code “FRIENDOFMDA.”

You can also head on over to PrimalHealthCoach.com where you can sign up to watch an exclusive Info Session Video I made for you, or download a free Primal Health Coach Guidebook that will answer any additional questions you may have. All you have to do is subscribe, but there’s absolutely no commitment.

Finally, you can talk to one of my team members at 844-307-7662 if you have any questions.

What are the next steps on your career path? I’d love to have you join me on my mission to change the world one wellness wish at a time.


The post The Primal Health Coach Certification Program Keeps Getting Better and Better appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/2oojVfq

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