Friday, April 14, 2017

'Black-Ish' Actress Yara Shahidi Has Gotten Accepted Into Every College She Applied To

Yara Shahidi is best known as actress Zoey on television show Black-ish.

Yara Shahidi (Black-ish) has been a beacon of light for young girls to look up to, not only starring on a hit primetime TV show, but slaying the fashion game, speaking out for social justice and overall presenting herself to be an eloquent and sophisticated role model.

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The 17-year-old superstar recently spoke with Seventeen Magazine about her skincare, embracing her natural hair on the red carpet, choosing her major and college applications. In the interview, she revealed a biggie: she has gotten accepted to every college she has applied for.

Naturally, curiosity is piqued in terms of which colleges accepted her, but Shahidi confirmed that she is keeping that information “close to the belt” for now. She did state that she plans to make the final decision within the next month, so ears are peeled!

While Shahidi has cemented herself as a role model for the masses through her various works -- and simply being her dope self -- it is especially important that she is a Black girl. Showcasing a positive image as a Black girl that not only does well in entertainment, but within her educational pursuits is significantly beautiful. I mean, come on, Former First Lady Michelle Obama wrote her college recommendation for her! I’d call that a peak win.

As for what to study throughout her college career, Shahidi desires to double major in African-American studies and sociology, which seems apt given her passionate speeches about social injustice, rife with Baldwin quotes. She stated, “[...] for me, as much as I want free time, I love to challenge myself. And so it really goes back to the point that I want to study as much as possible and [doing] a double major is the solution.” She noted that whether or not to choose a minor is still up for debate, as it could either be something in the arts or social-based.

Whatever she decides to choose, the proverbial world is Shahidi’s oyster and I’m looking forward to whatever magic she creates in the future!

Which college do you think Yara will attend?
Tonja RenĂ©e Stidhum is a writer/director living in Los Angeles by way of Chicago. She is the co-host of the movie review podcast, Cinema Bun Podcast. She is made of sugar and spice and everything rice... with the uncanny ability to make a Disney/Pixar reference in the same sentence as a double entendre. You can follow her on Twitter @EmbraceTheJ, on Facebook, and Instagram @embracethej. You can find more of her work on her About Me page,

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