Thursday, April 6, 2017

Dear Readers: A Giveaway for Your Thoughts…

Question mark made of peas on a white plateI’ve got nutrition on the mind today. And I’m curious about your thoughts. Health trends and topics have evolved considerably since I first started this blog a decade ago. “Fringe” foods then are now thriving businesses. What was once nutrition heresy is today on the cover of mainstream publications. They’re far from standard, but Primal principles are getting more attention. Where do we go from here? And what’s for dinner? You tell me….

Today I want to know what you want out of MDA nutrition commentary, dietary research, and recipe development. What do you want to learn? What interests you? And since I get some form of the question often, what do you want to know about my own personal day-to-day diet?

I’ve covered a lot of topics and served up a lot of Primal recipes over the years, but there are plenty more to be explored. Tell me what you think should come next.

And to give you some incentive in exchange for your thoughts, I’ll give you a shot at winning some free stuff (because, why not?)

The Contest

“What nutrition question or recipe/cooking request do you have?”

My articles are constantly informed by the feedback of my readers. In the comments section below, tell me one nutrition related topic you’d like to see covered, one dietary question you’d like to see answered, or one recipe idea you’d love to see us share on Mark’s Daily Apple. I’m leaving this fairly open ended. No idea is too small or big.

A winner will be chosen at random. Agreeing with other people is allowed (and encouraged), but only the idea comments will be counted for drawing purposes.

The Prize

MDA_Post_collagen_fuel_van_400pxA prize package containing the following:

—A canister of my brand new PRIMAL KITCHEN® Vanilla Coconut Collagen Fuel (FYI: 20 grams of protein and more collagen than 2 cups of bone broth per serving)

—A box of PRIMAL KITCHEN® Coconut Cashew Bars

—A bottle of Primal Probiotics

The Deadline

Midnight (PDT), tonight!

Who’s Eligible

Everyone. We’ll ship this prize package anywhere in the world!

There’s More!

While only one winner will be chosen out of this batch, I invite you to also enter to win at another great contest I have going in partnership with Pura Vida, the cause-based bracelet company. Prizes include 2 canisters of PRIMAL KITCHEN® Vanilla Coconut Collagen Fuel and $100 to spend on Pura Vida bracelets. Enter here.

But wait!

Even if yours isn’t the random comment chosen to win, I do have a deal for anyone to take advantage of. (I’m THIS excited about the Collagen Fuel—a product close to my personal mission, not to mention my daily routine.)

Order a canister of PRIMAL KITCHEN® Vanilla Coconut Collagen Fuel and get a 6-Pack of my Coconut Cashew Bars FREE (one per person). It’s my Collagen deal of the year.

Thanks in advance to everyone that offers an idea. I’ll see what I can do to serve up answers (and recipes) to your Primal food interests in the coming months! Take care, everybody.


The post Dear Readers: A Giveaway for Your Thoughts… appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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