Sunday, April 30, 2017

Weekend Link Love – Edition 450

weekend_linklove in-lineRESEARCH OF THE WEEK

Researchers figured out a way to extract and test ancient human DNA from cave dirt.

Via ghrelin, hunger may promote the growth of new brain cells.

Grandma’s optimal post-workout meal: salmon.

Vegetarianism is a risk factor for gallstone disease.

Human brains in the presence of urban environments can’t relax, even if the humans they’re attached to grew up in cities.

Homo naledi, a primitive hominid with ape-like features, co-existed with anatomically modern humans.

Colder weather promotes faster adaptations in organisms.

Professional male tennis players are more likely to buckle under pressure than female ones.

Stroke and dementia risk go up with diet soda consumption, according to a recent observational paper (which cannot establish causation).



Episode 166: JJ Virgin and Mark Sisson: I chat with JJ, a NY Times bestselling author, celebrity mindset expert, nutrition coach, and fitness trainer about healthy living, gaining strength from tragedy, and the importance of self-care.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.


Babies know best.

People who eat more sodium and potassium than recommended have lower blood pressure.


How gut bacteria orchestrate specific appetite.

A new paper exonerating saturated fat is triggering the usual suspects. 

Noakes: not guilty.


What we know so far about what’s in breastmilk.

A worm that eats plastic.

Edible CRISPR could replace antibiotics.

Artificial wombs are coming.

Maybe Otzi just froze to death.

New translations of ancient engravings at Turkey’s Gobekli Tepe reveal that comets struck the Earth around 11,000 BC and probably triggered a mini-ice age that changed the course of human history.


A list that makes me wish I had more time to read: The books that changed these 10 adventurers’ lives.

Research I’m having trouble believing: The first humans to reach North America may have been Neanderthals or Denisovans 130,000 years ago.

I can relate: “Only after sixty my true life began.”

News I found interesting: Cremation of obese corpse starts funeral home fire.

I know a few people who could use this: Cartilage-mimicking hydrogel.



One year ago (Apr 30 – May 6)


Awesome ideas…I extend my life by counting my birthdays in dog years!

– I’ll add that to the next one, Pastor Dave.

The post Weekend Link Love – Edition 450 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

Saturday, April 29, 2017

LeBron James Recalls Turning Down A $10 Million Reebok Deal At 18

LeBron James during the Ninth Pangos Dream Classic game against Mater Dei High School at the Pauley Pavilion on the UCLA campus on January 4, 2003. (Photo by Stephen Dunn/Getty Images.)

When LeBron James entered the NBA in 2003, he would go on to become one of the very last basketball players to be drafted directly from high school. But back then, he was already sparking major attention long before he had even graduated.

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In an interview on his own platform, Uninterrupted, James recalls a time with host Maverick Carter. He tells the story about how former Reebok-CEO, Paul Fireman wrote him a $10 million check to sign with Reebok and turn down future meetings with Nike and Adidas.

James would turn down the deal.

"Being a first-generational money-maker in a household is a scary thing," says James. "For an 18-year-old, I go from being, sitting in classrooms in May, graduating high school, to being a multi-millionaire a month later."

But it's the circumstances in which he turned down the deal that made this moment so powerful.

"Shit, we flew in—I flew in from Akron, Ohio, from the projects. Our rent is like $17 a month, and now I'm looking at a $10 million check."

"For some odd reason I started thinking...if he's willing to give me a $10 million check right now, what is it to say that Nike or Adidas is not willing to give me 20 or 30 upfront. Or to say that, maybe the upfront money is not even the biggest thing. Maybe let's start thinking about the backend."

"Never put all your eggs in one basket," said James. He would fly back the very next day to the projects in Akron, Ohio and go right back to school.

In 2015, James would go on to sign a lifetime deal with Nike. Multiple reports cite that the deal, over the course of LeBron's lifetime, would exceed well over $1 Billion, making it the largest deal ever by Nike. The deal could also potentially make LeBron James the richest athlete of all time.

Maybe LeBron was right about being patient? Watch the video below.

What would you have done if you were in LeBron's shoes?
Mike "Orie" Mosley is the managing editor for and a cultural advocate from St. Louis. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Entertainment & Media Management from Columbia College Chicago and a Masters in Higher Education Administration from LSU. He is also the founder of In his spare time, he's probably listening to hip hop & neo soul music, hitting up brunch or caught up in deep conversations about Black music. You can follow him on Twitter @mike_orie or on Instagram @mikeorie

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Take A First Look At Season 2 Of 'Queen Sugar'

By Sharee Silerio

Fans yearning to satisfy their #GimmeSugar cravings don’t have too much longer to wait because season two of Queen Sugar is near!

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Last season, millions of viewers tuned in to the riveting debut show, making it the #1 new cable series for African-American women.

The critically-acclaimed drama from Academy award-nominated filmmaker Ava DuVernay and executive producer Oprah Winfrey will return with a two-night premiere on Tuesday, June 20 and Wednesday, June 21 at 10/9c on OWN.

Continuing the groundbreaking initiative established in the show's first season, series creator DuVernay has once again assembled an all-female directing team for season two including: Kat Candler, DeMane Davis, Cheryl Dunye, Aurora Guerrero and Amanda Marsalis, with additional names to be announced.

Viewers fell in love with the television masterpiece – a genuine, unique and aware depiction of black humanity.

After 13 fascinating episodes, which earned an NAACP Image Award for Best Drama Series and Television Show of the Year Awards from both ABFF and AAFCA, fans are ready to be taken further into the Bordelon’s minds, hearts and world.

If you haven’t watched the show yet, don’t fret! You can catch the first season on Hulu now. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll be counting down the days until the summer!

A fresh teaser for the second season shows that the Bordelon family will have even more soul-searching, fear-confronting and decision-making to do.

In light of marriage troubles, new beginnings and interracial relationship struggles, what will Charley, Ralph Angel and Nova do? How will their lives and the lives of the people they love be affected?

They are all at turning points in their lives and it will be interesting to witness what destinies they choose.

Season two looks like it’s going to be amazing, so Wednesdays will be “don’t call, text or bother me” nights – unless it’s about Queen Sugar.

What are thoughts on Queen Sugar so far? Do you plan on watching Season 2?
Sharee Silerio is a St. Louis-based freelance writer, Film and TV writer-producer, and blogger. When she isn’t creating content for The Root or The St. Louis American, she enjoys watching drama/sci-fi/comedy movies and TV shows, writing faith and self-love posts for, relaxing with a cup of chai tea, crafting chic DIY event décor, and traveling. Review her freelance portfolio at then connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Green Goddess Chicken

Primal AviaryA blend of heart-healthy avocado oil, vinegar, and zesty herbs and spices make PRIMAL KITCHEN® Green Goddess Dressing the perfect marinade for chicken. Chives, tarragon, parsley, savory and rosemary, plus black pepper and garlic, turn plain chicken breasts into a sensational meal. All you have to do is twist off the lid and pour on the flavor.

Green Goddess dressing isn’t the only secret weapon PRIMAL KITCHEN® is wielding against bland, dry chicken. The other secret ingredient in this marinade is PRIMAL KITCHEN® Mayo. Whisked into any chicken marinade, mayonnaise adds fat and flavor, two things that boneless, skinless chicken breasts can always use more of. Mayo coats the chicken, locking in flavor and moisture and turning out chicken breasts that are tender and flavorful.

For an easy lunch or dinner, slice this green goddess chicken over a salad and top with more PRIMAL KITCHEN® Green Goddess Dressing (of course!).

Servings: 4 to 6

Time in the Kitchen: 25 minutes to cook, plus at least 4 hours to marinate


Primal Aviary



Pound the chicken breasts to uniform thickness. The easiest way to do this is to put the chicken in a resealable plastic bag, then use a meat pounder or rolling pin to even out the thickness of the chicken. Aim to make the whole breast about ¾-inch thick.

Whisk together the PRIMAL KITCHEN® Green Goddess Dressing and Mayo. In the same resealable plastic bag used to pound the chicken, pour the marinade over the chicken. Seal the bag and marinate at least 4 hours and up to 12 hours.

Preheat oven to 450º F/232º C, or heat a grill (clean and oiled) to medium-high.

Take the chicken breasts out of the marinade and use a paper towel to blot excess marinade off the meat.

If grilling, cook the chicken for approximately 6 minutes per side, or until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the thigh registers 160º F/71º C to 165º F/74º C.

If baking, spread chicken out on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake 20 to 25 minutes, or until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part of the thigh registers 160º to 165°. To brown the outside, turn off the oven and turn on the broiler (placing the baking sheet directly below) for the last 5 to 7 minutes of cooking.

Let the breasts cool 10 minutes before slicing. Green Goddess chicken is delicious served warm or cold.

Lay the chicken over salad greens and pour PRIMAL KITCHEN® Green Goddess Dressing on top.


Cropped_Green Goddess

The post Green Goddess Chicken appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

Friday, April 28, 2017

Black Buying Power Is Now $1.3 Trillion Strong And Not To Be Ignored

Black Entrepreneur recently reported that Black buying power is forecasted to be $1.3 trillion this year.

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A 2014 Nielsen report entitled “Powerful. Growing. Influential. The African-American Consumer” specifically noted that the African-American woman is “a trendsetter, social maven, head of household and business and community leader” and is “becoming more empowered with saving, spending and investments.” The African-American woman is also “progressive with her thoughts on health, entertainment and diversity in advertising.” Hence, Shea Moisture should have known better when they created that silly commercial—and other advertisers need to recognize that we are not to be ignored as a consumer block.

Yet, in 2013, out of the $69.3 billion companies spend on advertising across television, radio and print media, a mere $2.6 billion (or 2.6%) of that amount was spent on media focused on African-American audiences. This a huge misstep for anyone attempting to garner (and keep) the Black spending dollar because nearly 40% of us are more likely to purchase a product where African-Americans are included in the advertisement.

Any advertisers who have done the work of earning the trust of the Black consumer stands to make a huge mistake in abandoning their Black base for a wider, and perhaps Whiter, audience. According to the 2014 Nielsen study, it is those businesses who have maintained a Whites-only focus on consumers that need to embrace diversity in advertising particularly with the inclusion of messaging directed at African-Americans. African-Americans are still the largest racial minority group in the United States. Additionally, our influence of popular culture is so strong that 73% of Whites and 67% of Hispanics believe that Blacks drive American culture, which is why advertisements that include us also positively influence the buying habits of Whites and Hispanics.

Furthermore, when it comes to those products having anything to do with hair and beauty aids, Blacks purchase at a rate nine times higher than others. A whopping 81% of us believe that such products with advertising that includes us is indeed more relevant to us. Hence, when Shea Moisture ghosted us from their last ad, they appeared to have dismissed just how germane we are to their product identity AND they severely discounted the 80% of us Black women who regularly share with our friends how much we like a product.

Shea Moisture trotting out their new advertising strategy online verses print and television was also a huge faux pas. It doesn’t take a genius to recognize the degree of Black involvement on social media, yet I believe most would be surprised to learn just how active we are on the web when it comes to buying goods and services. Seventy-eight percent of us own smartphones while 81% of us show support for a brand on social media and 76% of us are more likely to rate, review and share our brand experiences.

All the statistics I’ve shared thus far should serve as a clarion call to any brand who thinks it is okay to dismiss the importance of the Black consumer. For Black consumers in particular, it is also important for us to never underestimate our valuable contributions to the American marketplace. Our household incomes are increasing, as well as our business ownership with each generation that continues to pursue higher education. Plus, even for those of us in lower income brackets, we are amazingly resilient to market fluctuations and understand like no other segment of American society how to save and spend according to our personal needs. When we collectively decide that a brand or a product is not worth our time, we make a huge impact on that brand’s bottom line. We NEVER EVER have to tolerate mistreatment from any advertiser and we absolutely have the power not to.

How often do you support Black businesses?
Nikki Igbo is an Atlanta-based freelance writer and political junkie. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Political Science from California State University at Fullerton and a Masters in Fine Arts of Writing at Savannah College of Art and Design. When not staring in disbelief at the antics unfolding on CSPAN, she enjoys philosophical arguments with her husband, 70's era music and any excuse to craft with glitter. Feel free to check out her freelance services at and stalk her on twitter @nikigbo or Instagram at @nikigbo.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Here's The Pros And Cons Of Using Heat Caps

Photo Credit

by Mary Wolff

We talk a lot about heat and how it affects our curls. While we know heat in the air can cause frizz, and over styling with heat leads to damage, what about the pros and cons of using heat caps? You have probably heard about heat caps already. If you are wondering if this is a method you should try for your curls, let’s take a closer look at some of the pros and cons of using heat caps.

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  • Dry hair faster. A heat cap is a great way to dry your hair. It is like a blow dryer you wear on your head! 
  • Set your style. Heat caps can help you set your style. It is especially useful if you’re trying to lock in moisture and set your style at the same time. 
  • Cheaper than steamer. A heat cap is more affordable than a steamer. A heat cap can range from $20 to $40 while a steamer can cost anywhere from $60 to $120. 
  • Great for special treatments. A heat cap is perfect for hot oil treatments to seal strands, as well as doing deep conditioning masks. The heat will help open up the cuticle to allow a deeper penetration into strands. 
  • Helps with scalp circulation. Heat naturally encourages circulation in the body. When your scalp has proper circulation, it will be healthier in terms of hair growth and distribution of natural oils. 
  • Time. Using a heat cap isn’t a quick fix. It takes anywhere from 25 to 40 minutes, depending on the model and your hair type. While they are fine for wearing during a deep conditioning treatment, this time frame might not work with your daily routine as a drying method. 
  • Potentially damaging to hair. There is no denying that heat can be drying and damaging to strands. With a heat cap, heat is applied directly to your strands which is fine, as long as you don’t overdo it. Use the heat cap sparingly, no more than once a week. The key is to protect your strands against heat damage with deep conditioning!
The bottom line is that heat caps can give your hair the benefits of heat without being too damaging like a flat iron or curling wand. It is an optional accessory for curlies, but could benefit your curls!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Success Story Follow-up: It’s about a Healthy, Real Life!

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. In fact, I have a contest going right now. So if you have a story to share, no matter how big or how small, you’ll be in the running to win a big prize. Read more here.

realifestories in lineBack in 2014, I submitted and you published my Primal Blueprint Success Story. Today I’m celebrating 3 years of maintaining my 40 pound fat loss and reversing my Type 2 diabetes. Woohoo!

The power of the real food Primal lifestyle didn’t stop with better weight and glucose, it improved every area of my life. I’ve made new friends in my dance classes, commiserated, learned and taught primal concepts (able to help several people get healthy!) in social media groups, I’ve become more accepting of others and more confident in myself, my body has become its own bad-food-detector that I can trust, I’m physically able to do the outdoor play activities and explorations that hubs and I love, and I’m just happier.

Since statistically, it appears that those of us who lose weight and keep it off are in the minority, I thought your readers might be interested in my process.

Maintaining my weight & blood sugar losses post-success hasn’t been perfectly simple, but it has been a great learning experience. There were a few surprises along the way. I found that I began to regain weight, even eating 90% Primal, and my glucose numbers went up, without a bit of constraint. I also yearned to lose another 5-10 pounds, and get my glucose numbers well under ‘normal’ (they were slightly above).

So, with the help of the good people in my online food & exercise group, The F’nE Club (they’ve been integral to my journey, in terms of support, education, and accountability), who often joined me in ‘challenges’, I experimented with numerous versions of Primal to get to what works best as my life plan. I used myself as a guinea pig and tested ideas for a month at a time.

Here are some of the things I tried, and what I’ve decided on as my life plan:Barbie_After

Me Minus – I wrote about this in my first post. When the scale reached above the top of my range in my daily weigh-in, I’d cut out everything except meats, veggies & good fats. Although effective, this was so restrictive that I began to resent it, and to cheat.

So, I tried…

~ Cutting carbs – I got an app and tracked my carb intake, trying various numbers and combinations, with varying degrees of success.
~ Removing, adding, glucose-testing, combining, increasing &/or limiting certain Primal foods, such as starchy vegetables, chocolate, fruit, nuts, coconut products, red meat, fish, oils, sweeteners, dairy, etc.
~ Fasting, numerous options.
~ Various types and quantities of exercise. I bought an activity bracelet and synched it with a food tracking app for testing (tools I still use daily).

Many of these trials were successful, at least to a certain extent. A few produced no or even negative effects. I took parts and pieces of the best, and finally settled on this lifetime plan:

My ME Forever Plan:

After_PhotoI learned that my maintenance level of carbs is low, about 40/50 per day. But I can earn more carbs with exercise, without gain. I use a formula of 10 extra carbs for every 300 calories burned during workouts. I allow myself to choose any Primal foods within those limits, so I can spend it all on sweet potatoes, if I want. (I don’t, but I *could*. It’s very freeing, so I don’t feel resentment.)

It finally resonated that all sweeteners hurt me (stomach ache, inflammation, & raised glucose), so I quit eating them, even honey and stevia. (Trust me, as a former sugar addict, I had to hurt myself *a lot* to get this through my thick noggin!) Today I only eat the rare Paleo treat (once every few months) made with maple syrup, which doesn’t cause me pain. However I do tolerate a bit of 85% dark chocolate, which in itself is a health food, so I eat one small square daily.

Dairy proved itself to be a problem, gave me cold symptoms. I gave it all up, except raw cheese.

Blood_Sugar_2Carrots, tomatoes, onions, most fruits (with the exception of berries), wild rice, white (& to a lesser degree, sweet) potatoes, beets, and stuffing myself with even heathy foods, caused significant glucose rises in my tests, so I eat them sparingly.

Eating 2 meals a day within an 8 hour window is satisfying, convenient, and keeps my weight and blood sugar down. In addition, I fast for 36 hours once a week, broken by only one meal of 500 calories/15-20 carbs. Since becoming fat-adapted, this is not terribly difficult.

Getting on the scale every morning keeps me in line, because it’s very easy to fool myself. If my weight is up, choosing fish or shellfish and veggies will always drop it.

Once a month, I allow myself an unrestricted meal (which sometimes hurts me, but is mentally therapeutic! I’ve learned the hard way not to choose conventional sweets!).

I dance, taking 4 1-hour classes of HIIT Zumba & BollyX workouts per week (which include squats*, lunges, punches, light weights & leaps), during which I find myself singing and smiling like a fool (it’s ok, I’m not alone)! (*I once counted the number of squats we did in our one hour Zumba class, and was shocked that the count was 102!)

Couple_BeforeIn addition hubs & I enjoy 3-4 hours of walking, hiking, swimming or kayak paddling per week, which qualifies as our play! I do push-ups after class twice a week (definitely not my idea of fun, but necessary).

Too much jumping hurts my heel tendons. Easy does it.

Most every morning, I spend 10-15 minutes under the sun in a pretty corner of my backyard, being mindful, grateful and forgiving. That little habit has helped me sleep better (usually 8 hours) and given me the gift of peace of mind.

Every ‘Monday Funday’ is all about eating out, a walk in the park or local trail, a movie, and sweetheart play time with my hubby.

Hubs and I travel often, camping in our little trailer, boating, road trips or the occasional cruise. We explore natural areas on foot or in our yaks wherever we go, and delight in finding Primal food everywhere. This is our bliss.

Remember those extra 5-10 pounds I said I yearned to lose? Yes I did it, and I liked how I looked. But it took near starvation, and that’s not worth it. I was hangry and no fun. So I’ve settled at the 40-pounds-off mark, just barely over the BMI ‘normal’ range for my height. I’m not skinny, but I am happy and healthy.


Getting my blood sugars well under the wire: yes, it can be done, but the carbs must be very low. I’ve settled for the just over the norm (100), most of the time. Still lower than I was 3 years ago, and dramatically less than a decade ago.

As you can see in my journal, back in 2008 both my weight and my fasting glucose were in the high 170’s (and that was on meds!). Today my weight ranges from 138-142, and my glucose (without medication of any kind) is often in double digits.

Couple_AfterSometimes I mess up. That makes me human. I don’t chastise myself anymore, I just dust off the dirt, get right back on the horse, and ride ’em, Primal cowgirl.

It’s not about perfection, it’s about a healthy, real life.

Must say, life is good. My hubby cured his own SIBO gut bacteria health issues with diet, supplements & vagus nerve stimulation (but that’s another story). He and I have each lost 40 pounds and maintained it. My glucose stays under control. We need no meds, and feel great, having more energy and enthusiasm at ages 61 & 66 than we did a decade, maybe even two, before.

We’re big proponents of The Primal Blueprint. We read MDA daily (and I often post your articles to my group or friends). Keep up the great work, Mark, you changed our lives!

The post Success Story Follow-up: It’s about a Healthy, Real Life! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

LA 92: 25 Years After the Rodney King Riots, History is Still Repeating Itself

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Celebrating Twenty Years of The World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show

Women gather in Atlanta for the 15th annual World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show.
Photo courtesy of Black Hair Media.

From an early age, Taliah Waajid knew she was interested in hair.

At just 14 years old, she started her first hair care business, and in 1998, she opened her first salon. Back then, she says people would take her business cards like she "was giving them poison," she told Madame Noire. In a time when natural hair wasn't as popular as it is today, “The Queen of Curly, Coily, Natural Hair Care” created a celebration--The World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show.

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Now in its 20th year, the Atlanta event has grown to 250 exhibit booths and over 30,000 attendees. "When we did the first show, I think we had 25 vendors and 150 people came and every year it got larger and larger," the hair care pioneer says. "We now have thousands of people walking through our doors and feature over 200 vendors."

Waajid created the show to spread the word about natural hair care, but found that women wanted information on living healthier, too. "Millions of women all over the world struggle with managing their natural-textured hair, weight, health issues and self esteem, and are looking for answers and acceptance. That is why the health and wellness aspect of the show was added to the event," reads, the event website.

"The WNHH&BS provides positive encouragement and is a place of freedom from negativity for those who choose to embrace their natural hair and natural self. It is a welcoming place where women become more empowered. They come to celebrate, network, enjoy and learn to be the best self they can be—totally." The weekend's festivities have grown to include workshops in health, wellness, nutrition, finance and beauty.

Waajid says education is the driving force behind the expo. " It shows people that now you have made this decision to go natural, you can learn the products and make the best decision for yourself on what your hair needs and the different styling techniques," she said in an interview.

"I went from knocking on doors trying to teach people about natural hair, to now every time I turn around there is natural hair everywhere. I like to think I had a big part in that."

Waajid's legacy continues with the Curls, Kinks & Culture Music Festival 
Tiffani Greenaway is the wife and mom behind MyMommyVents, a New York city parenting blog. Her tips have been seen on Yahoo Parenting, Mommy Noire, and Fit Pregnancy. Find more of Tiffani's work at

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

5 Deliciously Healthy Foods To Satisfy Your Sugar Addiction

It’s not easy.

Trying to make a change.

You’re realizing that your health is more important than anything. Yet, you find it hard to reach your goals..

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Although you’ve been able to cut out the potato chips and the fast food, you still struggle with eating too much sugar.

You know that cutting added sugars from your diet will make all the difference.

But you are a creature of habit and bad habits are hard to break!

The truth is -

Confronting and overcoming your addiction to sugar is much like breaking down a stone wall with your bare hands. It won’t budge unless you have the proper tools.

If you’re serious about reducing the amount of added sugars in your diet, then these 5 foods can serve as the tools you need to get closer to your sugar consumption goals:

1. Sweet Potatoes
You can literally live off of sweet potatoes as they contain many of the nutrients you’d get from eating a variety of vegetables and fruits. This root vegetable is excellent for curbing your sugar cravings. Not only can one sweet potato fill you up, but it is also naturally sweet. Just bake a sweet potato in the oven for 45 minutes at 425 degrees. Eat it straight out the oven or store it until the next day so that it’s even sweeter.
2. Dates
One date contains only 4.5 grams of sugar - all that you need to sweeten things up! You can simply add a few to your oatmeal or even bake them into your cakes, homemade granola bars, and cookies. The natural sweetness of these fruits is almost identical to sugar with a texture that is tender and smooth.
3. Spices
Some spices like ginger give your taste buds a zing while also providing a small hint of sweetness. If ginger is too strong for you, then you can try cinnamon, which can be used in almost any dish as it pairs well with both sweet and savory foods. You may find cinnamon to be a bit too much of a spice and if that’s the case, then try nutmeg. It’s very similar to cinnamon, but more subtle in its flavor.
4. Berries
Berries are basically the candy of fruit. Aside from your average strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, there are other berries that can also satisfy your sweet tooth. Like goji berries, mulberries, blackberries, and acai berries. All of these berries can be used in dishes to add a natural sweetness without skyrocketing your blood pressure.
5. Smoothies
You can pretty much take all the foods we’ve discussed up until now, throw them into a blender, add some almond or cashew milk with a little water and WAHLAH! Smoothies are probably the closest you can get to replicating an ice cream sundae with healthy ingredients. They’re easy to make, contain a blast of nutrients, and taste yummy through a straw!

Whenever your sweet tooth starts kickin’, it’s important you understand one thing - the most difficult part of cutting down on sugar is breaking the emotional ties you have to your favorite junk foods.

If you tend to emotional-eat on a daily basis, then foods like ice cream, cookies, and cakes may be the only solution you’ve found to fill a hole you feel within.

Yet, the best way to close this hole is to nurture and love your body. Sugar only teaches your body that when it’s feeling sad or hurt, there’s an immediate fix. Eat a Snickers. Drink a coke. Heat up those cinnamon rolls. Yum!

But your body is all you got at the end of the day. And your ability to wake up at 6 AM or go for a run at night depends on how you choose to fuel your body.

So make choices that will help you STAY ready and keep you STRONG!

Try keeping a food diary to measure your progress. Ask yourself questions like, “What did I eat for breakfast?” and “How did I feel in that moment?”

The more in tune you become with your body, the less you’ll have to worry about in the long run.


from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

Natural Pain Relief During Labor: 7 Proven Techniques

130eddb5-6180-4bbc-bb2a-81099bf6e20cToday’s guest post is offered up by a good friend of Mark’s Daily Apple—Genevieve Howland, aka Mama Natural.

Very few people embrace pain. Sure, we’ve all said “no pain no gain” at the gym. But, as humans, we have a primal, hardwired instinct to seek pleasure and avoid pain. And that’s what makes childbirth such a loaded experience. Because, yes, there is usually pain (some like to say discomfort) involved in childbirth.

And, unfortunately, the process of childbirth seems to be getting harder… or at least longer. Based on 140,000 childbirths, research shows that today’s moms labor an average of 2-3 hours longer than the mothers of 50 years ago. Births in the late 1950s and 60s were compared to births from 2002 to 2008. The study points out that moms are now heavier, older, and are more likely to use epidural anesthesia.

Why does childbirth last longer these days?

Two potential culprits:

  1. Sedentary lifestyles. Our bodies weren’t made to sit in desk chairs for 40 hours a week or recline in a carseat for several hours a day. This is doubly true for pregnant women. Childbirth is a marathon event, and mama needs to train. Also, an active lifestyle encourages baby to assume a more optimal position for birth.
  2. Epidurals. Epidurals increase the amount of time a mom spends laboring by at least two or three hours according to a 2014 study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Epidurals can come with other side effects too, like longer recovery times and slower initiation of breastfeeding. Not to mention the discomfort of being confined to your bed during labor while hooked up to a catheter.

So, what’s a primal mama to do? Well, thankfully, there are many natural (and proven) ways to offset the pain of childbirth.

Here are 7 proven natural pain relief techniques during childbirth.

1. Hydrotherapy

Women are instinctively drawn to water during childbirth for the feeling of buoyancy and comfort it provides. And turns out, water birth can also be a great pain reliever.

In several studies, women who gave birth in water had less need for pain medication, and in some cases, no need at all.

Giving birth in water also reduced overall labor time by about 90 minutes per this study as well as this one.

Not only do water births result in less use of pain medication, women’s perceptions of pain are also significantly lower. In one study, women giving birth out of water ranked their pain score at nearly 7 on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most painful). The moms who gave birth in water reported a pain score of only 3½.

Mama Natural Week By Week Guide to Pregnancy book water birth illustration tub mama labor delivery

2. Touch

Touch stimulates the release of oxytocin, an incredible hormone that stimulates uterine contractions, boosts mood and feelings of optimism and you guessed it, acts as a pain reliever. Have your partner hug or hold you in-between contractions to help ease the discomfort of labor. You could even employ a massage therapist.

In one study, laboring moms who received massage therapy had less pain, anxiety, and significantly shorter childbirths. These moms also suffered less from postpartum depression, too.

Another way to incorporate touch is with acupuncture or acupressure. Acupuncture is effective for chronic pain so it would make sense that pressing on certain acupuncture points may help during childbirth. (For example, focusing on the Urinary Bladder 60 point is often used to increase circulation and provide pain relief in the body.)

You can also have your partner or midwife apply counter pressure to your lower back and do a double hip squeeze to help manually open your pelvis during labor to get a stuck or stalled labor (and baby) moving!

Acupressure during labor - Illustration from The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth

3. Breath work

In any good childbirth education class, you’ll hear about “breathing” as a way to cope with the pain. I was a bit skeptical of this one, but I’ve been proven wrong by a boatload of medical research.

For example, a study from St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center found that women with painful conditions such as fibromyalgia experienced less pain when they focused on controlled breathing at a slow rate.

Why? Probably because focused breathing calms the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for—you guessed it—pain.

On the flip side, other studies have demonstrated that focused breathing actually increases our pain threshold.

Your breath has a rhythm that’s actually quite similar to a birth contraction. There’s a peak (the top of inhalation) and then a release (exhalation). If you can stay “on top of your breath”—that is, stay in charge of the pace of your breathing—then you’ve got a good shot that your labor will be more manageable.

While there are plenty of breath patterns you can learn about and research, I think simplest is best: steady inhale through your nose for a few seconds, followed by a calm and steady exhale for a few seconds.

4. Meditation

As you focus on deep breathing, you may want to drift into a meditative state. Just as your body will release stress hormones and adrenaline if you’re watching, say, a scary movie, it will release positive endorphins when you’re focused on gentle breathing or a peaceful image.

In one small study, participants with chronic pain who meditated reduced their discomfort by a whopping 44%! (In contrast, past research indicates that opioid morphine reduces physical pain by only 22%.) You can learn more about meditation with this great beginner guide.

Meditation during pregnancy - Illustration from The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth

5. Movement

As Mark has covered before, sitting is the new smoking. No doubt about it, the human body is not designed to sit from 9 to 5 in an office, and yet many pregnant moms (myself included) are in this camp during their first pregnancy. By moving regularly, we may encourage baby to position him or herself better in our womb.

You can try these desk sitting hacks or special pelvic exercises to keep your hips open and aligned. Regular acupuncture or chiropractic care may also help avoid baby resting in the “occiput posterior position,” otherwise known as a “sunny side up” presentation.

In studies, sunny side up births are associated with:

  • prolonged first and second stages of labor
  • oxytocin augmentation
  • use of epidural analgesia
  • chorioamnionitis
  • assisted vaginal delivery
  • third and fourth degree perineal lacerations
  • cesarean delivery
  • excessive blood loss
  • and postpartum infection

The remedy? Keep your body moving during pregnancy! Movement can encourage your baby to engage in a more favorable position for birth. It also lowers your risk for preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

6. Special foods/beverages

Starting in the second trimester, moms can incorporate a few special foods to help with childbirth. While these items may not be natural pain relievers per se, they can help moms:

  • have a quicker birth with fewer interventions
  • reduce the length of discomfort during labor
  • plus reduce postpartum pain/healing time

Red Raspberry Tea FTW!

If you talk to any midwife, doula, or crunchy mama you’re practically guaranteed to hear about the importance of drinking red raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy. Known by herbalists for centuries as a uterine tonic, science is now backing up the benefits of this herbal tea.

According to a study from the Australian College of Midwives Journal, red raspberry leaf tea consumption during pregnancy, when compared with a control group, can:

  • decrease the likelihood of pre- and post-term gestation
  • make artificial rupture of membranes less likely
  • reduce the need for a Cesarean section, forceps, or vacuum birth

Perhaps even more convincing is the anecdotal evidence from countless moms who’ve relied on this herbal tea during preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum. Moms have used red raspberry leaf tea to:

  • reduce morning sickness
  • fortify the uterus in VBAC moms
  • strengthen the bags of water
  • balance postpartum hormones
  • and boost early milk production due to its high mineral content

It’s best to talk with your midwife or OB/GYN to see if RRL tea is right for you. The general protocol is to drink 1-2 cups daily starting in the second trimester.

6 Dates a Day?

Another potentially beneficial (and quite delicious) food particularly for childbirth is dates during pregnancy.

According to this study, women who ate 6 dates a day for the four weeks leading up to their due date were significantly more dilated and more likely to:

  • Have intact membranes upon admission to the hospital
  • Go into labor spontaneously
  • Avoid Pitocin
  • And have a shorter first phase of labor

Pretty awesome for just eating some dates, huh?

Researchers have found that date fruit has an oxytocin-like effect on the body, leading to increased sensitivity of the uterus. It also helps stimulate uterine contractions, and reduces postpartum hemorrhage the way oxytocin does. They also found that it contains many nutritional benefits for pregnant mamas.

“Date fruit contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, which are involved in saving and supplying energy and construction of prostaglandins. In addition, serotonin, tannin, and calcium in date fruit contribute to the contraction of smooth muscles of the uterus. Date fruit also has a laxative effect, which stimulates uterine contractions.”

Of course these studies are limited, but there’s no real harm in eating dates during pregnancy, so why not give it a try?

It’s best to consume your 6 dates a day with protein or fat rich foods like nuts, aged cheese, or coconut flakes. If you have blood sugar issues or gestational diabetes, talk to your midwife or doctor.

7. Doulas

Where you give birth is important, since around 6% of birth centers and home births end in cesarean versus the national average of 33%. But who is on your birth team is equally if not more important.

Midwife practices have lower intervention rates across the board, but they also tend to attract low-risk women. Birth doulas, on the other hand, can be employed by high risk, hospital birthing moms who want to have more natural births.

The word doula comes from the ancient Greek and means “a woman who serves.” A birth doula is a trained professional who gives continuous physical (non-medical), emotional, and informational support to expectant mamas, laboring moms, and postpartum mothers and families.

A 2012 Cochrane review showed that women who had continuous support, especially from a doula, were:

  • more likely to have a spontaneous vaginal birth
  • less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, vacuum or forceps-assisted births, C-sections, or negative feelings about childbirth

Other documented benefits include:

  • higher breastfeeding success rate
  • better maternal self-esteem
  • lower blood pressure during labor
  • and less pain experienced

So yes, natural pain relief during labor is possible

When you find the right support and follow some of the strategies here, you have a great chance of perceiving less pain during childbirth. There’s also a good chance you’ll experience fewer medical interventions, have easier healing postpartum, and enjoy more positive feelings about your birth.

Go, mama, go!

Want to help change the birth culture in our country?

It starts by getting informed. I’ve just published the world’s first week-by-week pregnancy guide from a natural perspective. Featuring insights from a certified nurse midwife (who happened to deliver both of my children), as well as a registered nurse and doula, the book is packed with helpful info on:

  • Natural remedies for common pregnancy symptoms
  • When to get an ultrasound (and when not to)
  • Sex during pregnancy
  • The truth about epidurals
  • How to naturalize a surgical birth
  • Natural pain relief during labor
  • What to do during every stage of labor
  • How to recover naturally
  • And so much more

This book is evidence-based, empowering and entertaining. ? (No boring text books over here!)  If pregnancy is in your future, or if you know anyone who’s pregnant, please consider picking up a copy.

Even if you aren’t pregnant…

Consider purchasing the book and…

  • Donating to your local library
  • Giving to your ob-gyn at your next wellness visit
  • Passing along at a La Leche meeting or baby carrying group
  • Sharing with a pre-med student
  • Keeping in your home library to loan out as needed

This will help us get the word out and change the face of birth in the U.S.!

Best wishes to all the future mamas out there!

I hope every mama out there gets the support and resources she needs to have an empowered and grace-filled birth.

Thanks to Genevieve Howland, aka Mama Natural.for today’s guest post. Have you or someone you know used natural birth supports? Have questions, comments, stories, or suggestions? Share them on the comment board, and have a great end to your week, everybody.


The post Natural Pain Relief During Labor: 7 Proven Techniques appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple