Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tips on Coloring Your Natural Hair for Better Results

IG @itssharib

by Mary Wolff

If you are looking to mix things up with your look by adding a touch of color or completely changing hues, there are a few special considerations to keep in mind. Curly hair is beautiful but it can also be fragile and prone to damage. That’s why I have a few tips on coloring your natural hair to help protect your strands during this process!


1. Skip the Bleach 
When getting hair colored, it is important to skip any highlighting or bleaching prior to getting an all-over color dye. These treatments make your strands more vulnerable to damage by breaking down protective barriers leaving hair dry, brittle, and prone to breakage.

2. Say No to Stylers 
Another one of my favorites tips on coloring your natural hair is lay off the stylers prior to a color job. The reason for this is because stylers can be hard to get off your hair with some of them requiring more than one wash to fully disappear from your scalp and strands. This will make it harder for the color to seep into your strands. If you are paying for a color, you deserve vibrant color, not so-so color.

3. Avoid Straighteners 
Temporary straighteners are a no-no before getting your hair colored because they weaken hair making it more prone to damage. These products actually weaken the protein bonds which is how they straighten curly hair. If they are damaging just from regular use, they are double the danger right before getting hair colored.

4. Do Some Deep Cleansing
The most important thing before getting natural hair colored is to make sure it is strong and clean. The night before you head to the salon, use a clarifying shampoo to remove any excess buildup left behind by products. The cleaner your scalp and strands, the better the color will penetrate strands. While it may be tempting to do a deep moisturizer, in addition to the deep cleansing, skip this step for now before a color session or risk a less vibrant color.

5. Adjust Your Hair Care
Once you have the color locked in, it is time to adjust your hair care routine. Colored hair is more fragile against breakage and using the right products will make sure strands stay strong. It will also help extend the life of the color longer. It is important to use products designed especially for color treated hair since your hair needs have changed. One of my favorites for my colored hair is Ouidad Color Sense Color Preserving Shampoo because it really helps keep my color longer.  A few other easy changes to make in terms of hair care are to step up your moisturizing game with your favorite leave-in product and to wash hair at a cooler temperature of water to avoid color loss prematurely.

Changing your hair is a great way for a fresh start. When it comes to coloring your curls, following a few simple tips can mean the difference between happiness and heartache.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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