Monday, March 20, 2017

Johns Hopkins Brings On Its First Black Black Female Neurosurgeon Resident

Johns Hopkins has just welcomed its first Black female neurosurgeon resident. Her name is Nancy Abu-Bonsrah.

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The Ghanian-born medical student received the news last week during "Match Day." It's a day where medial students find out exactly where they were selected.

Although she is the first Black female resident, it will still be a few years before she would become the first Black female neurosurgeon. "She will not officially be a neurosurgeon until she completes her residency in a few years," said the university.

Bonsrah completed her undergraduate degree at Mount St. Mary's University where she studied Biochemistry. She shared the exciting news on her Facebook page amongst friends, but the post is getting a lot of attention, and rightfully so.

Let's all congratulate Nancy Abu-Bonsrah on making history!

Mike "Orie" Mosley is the managing editor for and a cultural advocate from St. Louis. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Arts, Entertainment & Media Management from Columbia College Chicago and a Masters in Higher Education Administration from LSU. He is also the founder of In his spare time, he's probably listening to hip hop & neo soul music, hitting up brunch or caught up in deep conversations about Black music. You can follow him on Twitter @mike_orie or on Instagram @mikeorie

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