Thursday, March 9, 2017

Hair Tools and Accessories Every Natural Needs

IG @brixbbyy

by Mary Wolff

You want your curls to look beautiful and healthy all the time. When it comes to hair care, it can feel like you need an army of support. From the right products to the necessary hair tools and accessories, you need a lot of stuff to ensure your best curls. Here are a few of my picks for necessary hair tools and accessories that every curly girl should have in her arsenal.


 1. Hair Ties
Whether putting hair in a ponytail or a top knot, hair ties are a must have item. They allow you to quickly adjust your style to fit the situation or your mood. When it comes to hair ties, it is best to opt for ties that will be gentle and safe for textured hair. You should never use rubber bands if you can avoid it because they lead to serious breakage and unwanted damage. One of my personal favorites is the Snapee hair tie. This hair tie lets you wrap a single piece of material around your ponytail and then snap it into place. It allows you to create the right amount of pull or tension for your preference.  They are also gentle on hair so they are worry free!

2. Hand Held Mirror 
Styling your hair can be tricky because you can only see what is in the mirror in front of you. With a hand-held mirror, you can easily see the back of your head to make sure you didn’t miss any of your curls for a nice, even style every time. It is a beauty must-have.

3. Duck Bill Clips 
These clips have long mouths and easy to use handles. Why do you need them? Because they make sectioning off your strands so much easier! If you are detangling, it makes it easy to tell what sections are already done and keep them from getting tangled again. Simply twist your hair and pin away for easier detangling and styling.

4. Wide-Toothed Comb 
This one is probably a no-brainer for most curlies, but it is so crucial that it bears repeating. A wide-toothed comb is really the only safe way to detangle your hair. With regular brushes, you are cautioned against brushing hair while wet, but with the right wide toothed comb, you can work out those tangles without fear of losing precious strands. One of my favorites is the NuBone II Finish Pro Detangler Comb. It has nicely spaced out teeth to work through thick hair and it is approved for wet hair use.

5. Microfiber Towel 
A microfiber towel is another one of those hair accessories that if you aren’t using it, you really are doing a disservice to your curls. The fabric is made to be super absorbent and gentle so your hair can dry without worry of frizz or damage. The absorbent factor makes your hair dry faster for an added bonus! I personally like Aquis Diva Dryer towels because they come in fun colors and styles, but a basic microfiber towel is still better than using a regular bath towel.

Hair care is an involved process. With the right tools and accessories, make the process easier and your curls will reward you in the end!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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