Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weekend Link Love – Edition 397

Weekend Link Love

Check out my interview with Chris Kresser. I cover the gamut, including my early days as an endurance athlete.

Research of the Week

The same genes that determined our big brains may have also given us bigger bodies.

Sun exposure during pregnancy may help prevent asthma in the unborn.

Avoiding the sun is more dangerous than smoking.

Older adults who lift twice a week have a lower chance of dying early.

Adherence to paleo and Mediterranean diet patterns is inversely correlated with inflammatory markers.

Red raspberry research is exploding. Turns out they’re pretty good for you.

Dolphins talk each other through problem solving.

A new study counters previous research on honey.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts


Episode 116: The Wim Hof Method with Jared Tavasolian and Chris Tai Melodista: Today’s episode features Jared and Chris, the only instructors in the US of the Wim Hof Method. Learn how changing your breathing can improve your breath and cold tolerance and give you the ability to consciously control your autonomic nervous system, immune system, and heart.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

The geometry of music.

Kevin Kelly’s optimistic vision of VR. I gotta admit, it makes me feel a little better about it.

“Weight is the best measure of energy balance,” said the man through his voluminous mustache.

Bill Lagakos thinks breakfast is important.

How Robb Wolf feeds his (mostly) paleo kids.

Media, Schmedia

75% of dogs worldwide aren’t pets. So what are they?

The LA Times did a cover story on Dr. Ron Sinha and the scourge of diabetes and metabolic syndrome in Asians.

Are Millennials replacing bar crawls, nightcaps, and Spring Break with juice crawls, mindfulness, and shamanistic retreats?

Everything Else

In a round of rapid responses to the re-evaluated Minnesota Coronary Experiment data, Colpo destroys Willett.

Jarawas: “No, really. We’re good here.”

Working over 50 hours a week gives diminishing returns.

Oh, speed reading. If only you were real.

China’s eating less foreign fried chicken.

Whole Foods is shifting to slower-growing (and better-tasting) chickens.

Teenage sleep: their lives depend on it.

Primal Endurance athlete Gordo Byrn talks fatherhood, training and aging.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Apr 27 – May 3)

Comment of the Week

K-Starr would say that foam rollers can be used to create shear, but are a pretty weak stimulus for breaking up stuck fascia and improving mobility. My understanding is that he sleeps on a bed of battlesaws held together by mobility bands with a wolverine for a pillow.

– How could I have forgotten the wolverine? Thanks, Investigator.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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