Wednesday, April 6, 2016

This is the Only Oil Proven to Promote Hair Growth


by Fiona of LoveYourTresses

Fun fact-- our hair is likely to grow at a slower rate during the colder months due to several factors.  Check out this post for the full scoop. One of the main factors I mentioned was the slower rate of blood circulation especially to our extremities, e.g. the scalp, fingertips and toes. Of course once I had learned this I had to figure out a way to combat it, and so I did some research and put together this video, on 4 growth boosting techniques to tackle the winter growth slump. One of the techniques shown in the video was the addition of an essential oil to each and every hair product that comes into contact with my scalp. The essential oil in question? Peppermint oil.

My discovery of Peppermint oil and its ability to speed up hair growth, came from a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a resource I often go to in search of hair care related studies. The study titled ‘Peppermint Oil Promotes Hair Growth without Toxic Signs‘, was conducted on a group of mice who had their back hairs shaved with animal clippers. After the shaving the mice were split into four groups and either given a topical application of Saline, Jojoba oil, 3% Minoxidil, or 3% Peppermint oil diluted in Jojoba oil. These were applied once a day, 6 days a week, for 4 weeks and progress photos were taken every week.

Now here is where things get interesting. From week 2 the mice given the Peppermint oil mix showed a much faster rate of hair growth than the other mice in the other groups. Furthermore at the end of the experiment at 4 weeks, the mice given the Peppermint oil mix experienced 92% hair growth, compared to the group with the second highest rate of growth with 55%, who were given Minoxidil [a medication used to prevent hair loss and promote regrowth]. To take things a step further it was also observed that at 4 weeks, the mice given the Peppermint oil mix had a dermal thickness of 120%, which was 81% thicker than the dermal thickness of those given Saline and Jojoba oil respectively.

Now if that isn’t a page turner on the hair growth front I don’t know what is!

As I mentioned above this finding led me to add a few drops of Peppermint essential oil, into just about any and every product that comes into contact with my scalp, and you can too! As per the study it only took a 3% Peppermint oil solution to impact the rate of growth, which means just a few drops in your chosen scalp carrier oil [e.g. Coconut oil, Jojoba oil etc] or scalp product, coupled with a soothing scalp massage and you’ll be boosting your scalp stimulation and hair growth in no time.

Did I mention you can get this oil for as little as £2?

Case closed!

What do you think, will Peppermint oil be making the cut on your product staples list?

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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