Friday, March 4, 2016

Chloe' Is Naturally GLAM!

Tell me about yourself!
I am a Detroit native who loves all things hair and beauty related. Three years ago I was sick of frying and dying my hair. Excessive heat and color damage led me to take the big chop plunge. A couple of months post big chop I turned on my camera and decided to share my successes and fails with whoever felt like watching! I hope that my appreciation for natural hair and beauty transcends outward appearance and really inspires other women to do what is right for them in all aspects of life.

Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper? What was your journey like?
I was a big chopper all the way. Go big or go home! One morning I woke up and after looking at my stringy heat/color damaged hair, I took scissors to root and went for it! Despite a couple of set backs, my journey so far has been great! I enjoy experimenting with different styles and products. But I have to admit, I miss my twa. It was SO easy.


Had you always embraced your texture?
Not at all. In high school, I didn’t consider my hair “done” until it was bone straight via flat iron. A wash and go was completely out of the question. It wasn’t until I big chopped and started experimenting with my different textures that I actually began to love and appreciate my hair for what it is, naturally.

How did family and friends react to your decision to go natural? What was your response to them?
My family and friends were in complete shock. I had always been known for my long hair and warned by outsiders to “never cut it”. My response was always “it’s just hair!”. Thankfully my family embraced my big chop as well as my natural styles.

Describe your hair (fine or coarse, thin or thick, highly porous, low, etc.) 
My strands are coarse, thin, and THIRSTY! Because of this, it takes a little extra effort to stop the breakage and single strand knots. I try to stay away from hair typing as my head is comprised of so many different textures!

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to your hair? 
The craziest thing I’ve ever done to my hair was somewhere between my “Dora the Explorer” hair cut (no…really) and dying only the crown of it fire engine red.

What’s your biggest hair related regret?
Not big chopping sooner! Also, believing the hype around certain hair products. It is so beneficial to do your own research. Definitely saves time and money!

What's your current hair routine? How often do you wash, condition, and style? Favorite products! Deets!
Since it’s still fairly warm where I live, I’ve been wearing wash and go styles. I co wash my hair once a week with Yes To Carrots conditioner (staple product). While its damp I apply a hair pudding and a heavier gel (usually kinky curly) to make it last. I cleanse my hair with a shampoo or mud wash once a month or more depending on the product build up. As far as oils are concerned; In the hot months I keep it light with coconut oil. In the colder months my hair needs something heavier like shea butter mixed with olive oil.

What’s your favorite hairstyle? Where do you get hairstyle inspiration?
Currently my favorite style is my wash and go. But since I live in Michigan, my go to style for the colder months is my simple twist out. My hair inspiration comes from a variety of sources! Now that I am comfortable with my hair, I don’t limit myself to styles that cater to only a certain “type” or length. If I like a style done on straight, short hair I will find a way to modify it so that it works for my hair!

Who is your curl crush?
Whitney Aka Naptural85 on YouTube and Kim Love aka KimmayTube!

How do you maintain your hair at night?
Depending on the style, I mist my hair with water and tie it up with a satin scarf.

How do you maintain healthy length?
Moisture is key! Whenever I have let my hair get dry and brittle for an extended period of time, I make sure to deep condition and add that moisture back to my strands. Also, I’m scissor happy so I have absolutely no problem cutting off split ends or limp/damaged hair.

What's the best thing about being natural?
The versatility and community! I love being able to wear my hair in a variety of styles. It helps to have this growing community of women and men that can encourage all generations to embrace their hair.

Where can folks find you on the web?
My YouTube channel is AccordingToChloeC
Instagram is AccordingToChloeC
Twitter is @According2Chloe
Facebook is AccordingToChloeC

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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