Sunday, March 13, 2016

Weekend Link Love – Edition 391

Weekend Link LovePrimal Endurance is an INDIEFAB Award finalist.

Want a Primal meal plan? Now you can sign up for mine for only a penny. There’s no such thing as a free lunch–but this comes close.

A nice piece in Outside about some guy they call the “pied piper” of paleo.

Research of the Week

Coffee improves antioxidant capacity.

How meat eating begat less chewing and more talking.

Meat made our brains, and our brains still need it.

We evolved feet from hands, not hands from feet.

“Sea nomad” kids can see perfectly underwater (with enough practice, so can you).

Giving infants peanuts before age 1 seems to reduce the chance of allergy, even if you only do it once.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts


Episode 110: Brad Kearns and Andrew MacNaughton: Brad and Andrew give tips on life transitions, awakening passions, focusing on process rather than goal, work-life-sport balance, and numerous other bits of practical life advice.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

A guide to the world’s blood sausages.

Are you ready for super-intelligent humans?

Read this before (or after) giving your kid antibiotics.

Media, Schmedia

Most of what Americans eat is “ultra-processed.” Also, how growing life expectancies are changing the definition of “age appropriate.”

Fasting is becoming more palatable.

Everything Else

Whole Foods to test ugly fruit.

Strangest story ever: West Virginia lawmakers celebrate passage of bill legalizing raw milk sales by drinking raw milk, one of them comes down with a stomach bug that’s been going around the office and probably doesn’t have anything to do with the milk, reporters interview him as he’s groaning and moaning on the couch. Be sure to watch the video.

Have you fallen prey to the vast bay leaf conspiracy?

Dupont’s attempt to conceal the hazards of teflon.

Dozens of scientists and psychologists recently gathered to discuss the medical applications of psychedelics.

Investors just gave cricket protein bar company EXO $4 million more.

Tiny cameras you swallow may replace conventional colonoscopies.

“So you claim your share, rally your friends, tip the cow, and become a steak holder.” A new cow-sharing app.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Mar 16 – Mar 22)

Comment of the Week

“When my 87 year old father died the physical goods he left behind were a car, a home, a closet full of simple, neat clothes, books on all subjects, and tons of framed photos of family. He was not monetarily poor, but simply had no need for ” things”. Today we call this minimalist, but what he really was, was content.

– Well said, Marianne.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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