Monday, March 21, 2016

'All Falls Down'- That Time I Saw My True Self

Our perceiving self is nowhere to be found within the world-picture because it itself is the world- picture'- Erwin Schroedinger 

Hola Chica,

I wanna show you something.

I'm assuming you're checking-in via the mobile CN site, so bring your phone up a little closer to your face, like you're about to take a selfie.  A little closer... a little closer.   Okay. 

Now, take a deep breath and drop all thoughts.  Don't refer to your story (your name, race, sex, age, job, bae or nah, etc.).  Just look.  #LikeACamera

Now without moving your head or eyes, take stock of your surroundings.  Beyond the phone you may see a desk, or a lamp, a window or even another person.  But in your direct line of vision, there are these words appearing on a white screen (hey boo!), a phone, a pair of hands holding the phone, arms leading up to shoulders, and then, your neck and that gorgeous face of yours.  Wait, no.  That's not right.  Let's back it on up.

my view

Keep that phone up in your direct line of vision.  Now, if you turn your attention away from the phone, 180 degrees in the opposite direction, back toward what you are looking out of, what do you see where other people see your face? 

Not a got damn thing, right?  You imagine that you see what other's see there (that beautiful brown face, with those big brown eyes and that new red lippie), but you actually just see an open, crystal clear space... capacity for the world to appear inside of.  #DeepAF #IKnow #Headless

This has always been your vantage point.  The first-person perspective (like in that Kanye video, All Falls Down where he only sees his head/face in the mirror or in Stacey Dash's sunglasses, you can ignore Stacey tho).  And it has huge implications--

1. Keeps you present- You know how I know when I'm truly 'present in the moment'?  My face, my head, is no where in the picture!

Ernst Mach's 'self-portrait'-- way more accurate than drawing his face, right?!

When driving, there's the steering wheel, hands, road, trees, other cars.  When shooting TV, there's the camera, camera men, and faces in the audience. When typing (like right now), there are fingers moving, words appearing, a computer screen, and the dope shit around me. When talking to Boogie, there's just her face, not my face and her face. Just her's.

with my bestie a couple of years ago... I'm witnessing her face (and the surroundings), but definitely not my face.  I'm the space for her and the surroundings to appear in. 

In each situation, the moment is allowed to unfold more naturally, more fluidly, without my ego getting in the way, without my ego's interpretations of the moment getting in the way. So whenever you find yourself anxious, frustrated or self-conscious, turn inward and remember what you're looking out of.  You are already whole, perfect, abundant and loved, you just forgot.  (all of a sudden you realize that all those damn affirmations... 'I am abundant', 'I am worthy'... you've been repeating, hoping they'll become true some day, are actually true right now and have always been true.  The whole world is in you. You are that. You are all that #AndABagOfChips) 

2. Keeps you from Going the hell off- So since there's never a 'face to face' convo, only 'face to no-face' or 'face to space', it keeps your Petty Pendergrass, Petty Labelle and Tyler Petty in check. When you realize that you're the space that allows everything to appear, even your 'frenemy' is loved unconditionally.  You realize she's appearing in you and is therefore not separate from you... is you. Seeing this raises your consciousness and conflicts appear less and less.  
"Two-way attention is practical. The solution to challenging situations or problems comes from being consciously open to the One who, after all, invented those challenging situations!"-
3. Keeps you 'in communion with God' (ceaseless prayer)- We've talked about different ways to access the kingdom within.  This is just another way to climb the mountain (for the exact same view at the top)-- some people like to meditate, others pray, others place their attention on true happiness or their natural good feels, and still others look from their 'original face' (the one you had before you were born).  You can call it pure awareness, spirit, consciousness, THIS, or God.  It's omnipresent and omnipotent.. it's always here, always now, and it's what you are.

For those of you in the 'mind blown af' camp and want more, check out Douglas Harding's Headless website and book, On Having No Head.  There are lots of experiments on the page to help you see what I've briefly touched on in this article.  The one that blew my world open was THIS ONE.  I also like Richard Lang's book on the same topic and J.C. Amberchele's The Light I Am and Cracked Open.  I stumbled across my headlessness back in 2013 (while in PA) and feel so nekkid sharing it with you today.  And while I'm sure some of y'all are like, 'what she on, tho?', I know this will resonate with and help some body who is searching.  

Later Gators, 

p.s.  If you remember your first person status frequently enough and for longer periods of time, you'll come to see that you're not aware of this space where you thought your head/face was.  You are the space.  And the space is aware of itself and all the different moments that appear and disappear from it. 

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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