Thursday, March 31, 2016

How I Get 'Day 3' Hair on 'Day 1'

Using my favorite blow dryer in a new way!


The next time you want big ass 'day 3' hair on 'day 1', use this dryer to fluff your roots! I used to have to over-fluff my freshly set hair by separating curls, massaging and picking my roots to hide parts and then finally blasting the roots with my blow dryer's air concentrator to stretch the length for extra hang time and volume. Sometimes the results were dope, sometimes... just frizz. 

The other day after a rod set, I remembered my trusty Andis dryer (that I always use for blow outs) and realized it was a pick, blow dryer and air concentrator in one! I focused on the top and crown (just the first inch of the roots) and ended up with huge, awesomeness on day 1. 

Later Gators!

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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