Monday, March 14, 2016

Nadieya- 'Enjoy the ride, learn your hair, learn yourself.'

Tell me a little about yourself and your hair journey. (Name, where you’re from, etc)
My name is Nadieya Barco. I am from Raleigh, NC. I was born in the little town of Elizabeth City, NC. Also, I attend school at Elizabeth City State University and I am a junior.

How long have you been natural? Have you always embraced your curls?
I have been natural for a little over 3 years. When I was in high school I did not embrace my curls. I had a mohawk and kept it straight, “laid to the Gods”. This resulted in heat damage, but I just considered my pattern to have changed to wavy.

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What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper& why?
I have been both a transitioner and Big Chopper. I wanted to transition because I wanted my curly hair back. I did that and ended up with heat damage which resulted in a big chop. I big chopped because I had a mohawk and wanted a full head of hair.

How would you describe your hair?
I would describe my hair as 3c/4a, frizzy, and free willed.

What do you love most about your hair?
The best thing about my hair is the fact that it is trained. It basically does whatever I want it to do.

What has been the most memorable part of your journey?  Has it been easy or difficult or both?!
The most memorable part was being basically bald headed for months and having no choice but to do wash and gos because it was not long enough to style, bleaching my ends, and finally being able to do a puff. It has been difficult and still is, but it is worth it.

What are (or were) some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles or current dos?
My transitioning style was perm rods and I still do them now that I am natural!

What have your experiences been as a ‘natural.’ Any memorable reactions from family or others?
When I big chopped my mother and father said I looked like a little boy. I was constantly asked WHY I wanted to look like a boy and why my hair was always “dry”.

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
Sadly, I can never stick to a regimen, but I swear by TGIN DAILY BUTTER CREAM MOISTURIZER!

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
I love the curlynikki and naturalcurly website. My fav youtubers would have to be TheChicNatural, MoKnowsHair, and askProy

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
Never expect a certain curl pattern from your hair, doing this leads to disappointment. Instead, enjoy the ride, learn your hair, and learn yourself.

How do you deal with the backlash of those who do not “like” your hair?
Your natural hair is for YOU. There will be those who do not like, but embrace it. Have confidence, try new styles, and those same haters will be asking how you do it!

Where can people find you for more information?
My instagram is @trillestpsyche. My twitter is @trillestpsyche. My youtube is NarcissisticNaturals And Vlog. My email is

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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